If any of you have friends in Japan - Tomica is making a 2004 Prius (matchbox size car). The model car will be released on March 20th - in Japan only (from my friend in Japan who checked in Tokoyo). No.106 TOYOTA "hybrid system car" new Prius(silver) No.106 TOYOTA new Prius(blue) *First time production limitation. Some stores that might have it are at: http://www.supergreattomica.info/buy/displ...lay.asp?cty=jpn Ikeda Minicar Shop Website: http://www.minicarikeda.co.jp Mr. Craft Website: http://www.mrcraft.co.jp
I just got my Tomy 1/60 scale cars today! I got them on eBay. A little pricy when you add in the shipping ($17 with shipping for both cars). But cute as a button. The hatch opens but not the doors. They're die cast metal and are Japanese models (the steering wheel on the other side). I can't tell you much else, the box is in Japanese. Here's a photo though - with quarters to give you a sense of scale. The seller was kitkit (he does a lot of tomy stuff, but doesn't have any more prius at the moment, but if you're interested you might want to email him).
You mean we have to put ourselves on a wait list for the matchbox car as well?! And pay more than MSRP? We Prions are an odd bunch indeed. -m.
But worth the wait- they get infinate MPG! When someone comes into my office, I show them my toy..car that is. 8)
I got one of those sitting at my desk too! The steering wheel is one the wrong side... It is missing side mirrors... Oh, and it is the wrong color... But other than that i guess it is pretty cool. I've been thinking about repainting it like "Ms. P."
Has anyone made the paper origami model of the Prius? I am having trouble with the Japanese instructions Any help is appreciated Chris
Heehee Yes, my husband agrees with you. But if I might rationalize for a moment - at $8 each, they're quite a deal when you figure it out. If they're 1/60th the size of a real one, they should be $370! (well, they don't actually have engines or smart start, headlights, horns ...) Are there really origami instructions? Or am I particularly gullible this month?
Curses! Why did I have to find this thread!? You just had to tell me about these so I would search eBay for a set of me own.
Not gullible Toyota Japan put out a PDF that you can print out, cut out and glue together It looks Soooooo cool..... but..... the instructions are in Japanese and there are a few things I'm not clear on The PDF was on the Yahoo board called 2004-prius but I went ahead and uploaded it here The PDF is attached to this post When you print it out, use LEGAL paper so it does not cut off Good luck!! Chris
actually, waiting for a prius delivery causes mad people disease... anyway, these teeny models would get eaten alive in my 1:18 die cast collection. hopefully somebody will come out with one in that size, and with more details.
US matchbox toy available!! Just spotted a newly released US Matchbox toy of the Prius!! It's an 08/ Gen II and so far I've only seen it in the Pearl Green color. 97 cents at Walmart!!:rockon: I bought two, one for the wife, whose car is that color and one for me to paint silver.