I hope by this time you have drained the extra oil. I also tell the service manager to just do 3 quarts and, as Richard says, it works out fine. In fact, the place I take my car AGREESthat overfill is a bad thing and has seen many examples of overfill causing problems. That includes mine which was overfilled by the factory (obviously by computer to precisely the correct level) and cost Toyota a tow, a rental, multiple days for a local service tech, a day for a regional service tech dispatched with the HV charger and miscellaneous other expenses. Also a lot a aggravation for me. I would be hesitant about taking your car back to the lunkhead that argued with you about the factory fill level instead of just giving the new customer what he wants. B)
There have already been a few posts about oil overfill, making me wonder if the Toyota "spec" is in error or if based on "dry" refill not "service" refill. Upon delivery my '04 was almost 15mm over the full hash mark/dot. I didn't notice this until a week later and took it back to the dealer, they promptly apologized and sucked out the excess. At my first oil change at 8,000km, I checked the level as they had parked the car in the customer pickup bay with the hood up. About 15 mm over the full dot. They claimed they couldn’t understand that, as they use an automated dispenser to refill. They even took me into the service bays to show me the automated dispenser, it’s digital and the technician can enter the exact amount. So they again apologized and sucked out the excess. They blamed the technician who felt pretty bad about it. On my second oil change at 16,000km, I brought along my own oil: Mobil 1 0W-30 in U.S. quart bottles. I only brought 3 bottles and they were worried about the oil being too low. If you put in 3 U.S. quarts, the oil level is slightly over the halfway point from the Add to the Full dots, about 14mm low. That really surprised the dealership, they thought the level would be below the Add dot. My third oil change at 24,000km, I did it myself at my hobby farm. I had purchased Mobil 1 0W-20 in litre bottles from Canadian Tire, which I intend to use as a winter oil for city driving. If you put in 3 litres, the oil level is almost ¾ between the Add dot and the Full dot, about 13mm low. I suppose I should add 100ml at a time to find the “true†Full capacity. If you follow the owner manual recommended capacity you WILL overfill the sump. Another caution is how quickly you add the oil. The PCV tube may be susceptible to allowing oil to flow into the intake manifold if you pour the fresh oil in too quickly. This was first brought up by forum member Frank Hudon as a possible solution to some overfill situations causing engine trouble. When I changed the oil, I took my time adding the fresh oil. I’ve noticed the dealer also takes their time adding fresh oil to all Echo and Prius motors.