I had a set of performance wheels and now I am running stock wheels. I can not find the performance wheels anywhere? Where does one look? Searches including image searches have not turned up any other similar rims. these are 17x.7JJ with OFF41, and BNMATRIF on the inside spoke. Can anyone comment or help me?
You "had a set of performance wheels?" I'm not sure what you're asking or what you're trying to search for. Yes those Enkei rims you posted will fit the Prius if those are in fact the correct specs...
Those look like a set on enkei Toyota wheels off a corolla or matrix. Dont know where the performance in those heavy chrome wheels would come from but to each there own.
The "performance" in these rims are that they take the wider, softer tires and give the "kool look" if you can call it that, and they are expensive. I suspect if you wanted to drive fast or were a connoisseur of handling in the corners these would also be good. So I am trying to figure out whether the 4 rims that I have removed are worth anything now. Certainly they give a really neat look to the Prius but ...I am not sure whether there is a demand for this.
Those are the same size and width as the V wheels. Not very performance driven imo. They'll give the appearance of a more sporty look if that's what you're going for. You can mount a softer/wider tire on the stock 15" wheel as well. You don't have to have a high performance wheel to do that. The bead isn't any different than others.
Ha, my real query is if you had an extra set of these "performance" rims that you did not need any longer, would you send them to good will, or would someone like a set like this? And if so what are they worth?
OK, so you have a set of 17" rims you want to sell and you want to know what you can get for them, post a picture and state what you think their value is, if they sell they will sell at the price the "market" feels they are worth. The lower the profile of the tire the harder not softer the tire, an 85 series tire is considered soft, a 45 series tire is considered hard, much less rubber to absorbe impacts.