Hey there everybody. As you can tell from my title, I've lurked these forums for a while. First visited before I got my Prius a couple of years or so ago. Decided to join after an experience I had at the local Toyota Dealer/Shop (that's a whole thread all in itself =P). Some stuff about myself; my name is Dan. I drive a 2005 Prius (bought used) in the white flavoring. Would post a pic, but she's in desperate need of a wash. =P The rest will probably be reveiled later, so.... hi all. =)
Hi Dan. Welcome out of the closet. I am sure you have alot to contribute to the forum. Looking foward to your posts. :welcome:
Welcome to PriusChat:welcome: Spill your dealer story over a new thread in the main forum. These PChatters like to get in knee deep!
Thanks guys. =) I shall prepare my story soon. Was actually going to copy and paste it from another forum a frequent, but my writing was a tad lousy last night. =P