IIRC, 1/2 of the original Rav4EV's are still on the road today. Correct me if wrong. I thought they are all still running on the original batteries because there are no replacement batteries for them. If so, can someone comment on the usability of their Rav4EV and perhaps the age, #miles on battery, original and current range. Would be nice to know how EV's hold up over time, basically. TIA
It just so happens that I was talking to a RAV4EV owner at a local car show last week. He has 80,000 miles on his, and the battery lasted 8 years before experiencing a steep drop in capacity. He got a refurbished replacement pack--and that almost certainly supports the notion that there are no more cells, and that packs are made from old ones by testing each cell and choosing the good ones. You can also see some of the owners by searching on "RAV4EV owners".
As in it dropped dramatically at the 8th year or as in it slowly decreased in capacity until it was no longer useable (i.e. a feasible distance) by the 8th year?