I see alot of negative comments about these guys and their communication. So I thought I would share my experience. I was interested in an Ultimate lockpic 1, so I emailed them late one night. Early the next morning I had a response that was clear and answered all my questions. So a few days later I ordered the lockpic. I got an email that they had created a UPS tag for it the next day, but it took 2 more days, and an email checking in, before it shipped. Once it shipped I had it 4 days later. So basically I am pretty happy with the experience. Both times I emailed them they got back to me very promptly. And even though it took a couple days to ship, I think a week between ordering it and receiving it is pretty good since I am in Cali and they are in Fla. Just thought I would share... I will do a write up of the install when I have a chance to do it.
a lot of times sales service is a lot better than after the sales service. Enginer is a prime example.
My experience with them hasn't been so pleasant. I got an ultimate lockpick which didn't seem to work. The tech support was reasonable and they asked me to send the unit back, which I did. Edit: After a long while they got back to me, found the package I had sent to them and quickly sent a replacement which works wonderfully. It seems that they somehow lost/forgot about my order information. They were very pleasant and overall I am quite happy with them.