I was under the impression that fried ECUs were the fault of the tech performing the service when I first read about this issue on PriusChat. I brought it up to my husband when he got home tonight and actually heard the story behind it, and I thought I'd share. It all starts with a scantool software upgrade. Apparently when upgrades are first released they're not supposed to be used for ECU reprogramming, until the final version is released. Seems that the final version still had some ECU reprogramming bug in it and for a week or so techs across the country were frying ECUs left and right. It just causes a drop in communications between scantool and ECU, effectively rendering the ECU lifeless. There is no problem with the actual upgrade, the scantool software was the problem here. This bug has been fixed for now by reverting back to the previous software version, and hubby's shop has done a number of reprograms successfully. However, this leaves Toyota with a whole lot of ECUs to come up with and a lot of unhappy owners. Talk about a bad time to drop the ball...
Thanks galaxee. I have had my notification letter for 2 weeks waiting for the tech's to get a few under their belts before I take mine in for the recall. How's that for an excuse for my procrastination?
Y'know, this has me thinking about the scantools, and eventually box-to-box communication itself. Computers talkin to computers: 0, one or both of them having problems. Seems like as more and more devices have computers built in, they should be able to be more tolerant of the errors of the other. On the other hand, humans have the same problem: I still have a heck of a time understanding what my 4-year-old is saying, she speaks so darn fast...
So you can use the new software now,galaxee? Yesterday I spoke with one of my FTS's and he said to use the previous version software till they find out for sure if it is a software bug or techs causing the ECU's being taken out. I update our scan tools and they are still at the previous version, so we have had no problems with the reflashes.
ha, just asked hubby and he told me the bug was "fixed" by reverting to the old software. so no, the new software's not working yet from the way it sounds. guess i'll go back and edit that original post- must have heard him wrong :wacko:
The ECUs should have locked boot code that would always accept a load, even if the main SW was dead. Thats the way mother board bios' are designed these days. Many network appliances are too.
A similar issue exists with embedded industrial sensors and controllers that run Foundation FieldBus. A very rare but reproducible set of circumstances can trigger toasted firmware, necessitating replacement: One of the devices on the Foundation FieldBus Segment must be activated as a Backup LAS (Link Active Scheduler, set to a "typical" network address of 16). If you don't configure the segment to have a Backup LAS the error won't happen. Normally, the Link Master will automatically assign addresses to the segment as new devices (Sensors, valve positioners, etc) are hot-plugged into the segment. In normal operating conditions, if the segment should lose communication with the Link Master in the control room or MCC, all segment activity is taken over by the backup LAS. This is entirely "bumpless" and the process continues to run. Each device has a DD (Device Descriptor) file that is analogous to a driver for new hardware - eg a scanner or a printer - under Windows. The DD contains metadata compliant with IEC 61804-2 which is an international standard for bus-networked devices in industrial process control. In particular DD is compliant with EDDL (Electronic Device Description Language). The DD files can be updated while the process is live. Normally you don’t have to update DD files but say the vendor introduces new FB’s (Function Block) or other new features, or maybe a hot fix. So imagine for whatever reason you then push the updated DD files into your Foundation FieldBus segments. Here is how to purposely destroy a backup LAS device: Push the updated DD file to the device designated as your Backup LAS and at the same time, have a power fail or disconnect the segment cable. Not impossible, especially a momentary power glitch they happen all the time in industrial plants. That precise moment, while you are pushing an updated DD to the Backup LAS device, and you momentarily lose communications, the firmware in that Backup LAS is done. Toast. You then have no choice but to put in a new device. I haven’t had it happen to me – yet – but some of my peers and co-workers have had it happen. I wonder what happens to the THHT if the CANBus dongle isn’t properly seated to the THHT cable, or if the THHT has a momentary power glitch? Very rare but I will bet it happens.
I just got the recall notice last night and after reading these posts you guys have scared the s***t out of me. I am not sure I want them messing with the ECU as it seems to be working just fine with the original firmware installed. I will wait a couple of weeks to lets them sort out the problems and by then I will also need the 15K scheduled service.
<BUMP> Seems there are a lot of people speculating as to why their cars are still in the shop after the recall... Thought I'd bring this back up to the top again.
I just dropped my prius off for its 10,000 mile oil change and the recall/SSC. When I asked the person writing up my order if they had everything straightened out about the software bug frying ECUs while performing the recall he gave me a strange look and said he'd never heard anything like that. So right now my fingers are crossed hoping Toyota keeps the techs more informed than they do the service writers. Talking to the tech wasn't so much of an option since the dealership is a very busy one and I had to get to work. I'm sure they know what they are doing much more than I would, I just wonder how good communication is within the company and how much better service we'd get if all of the techs and service writers spent 15 or 30 minutes on priuschat every day.
go figure. but- if they haven't fried any, they may not have even upgraded to the screwed up software. it might be a good thing.
I got my car back in one piece after the recall. I'm glad to have it over with. I still wish the dealership would follow directions better- I asked for 3 quarts of oil added to the car plus a full quart given to me in case I wanted to top it off and they only gave me a partial quart back because they had filled it to the full dot, but at least they didn't overfill it this time. I'll have to check later to see what pressure they set the tires to, but at least that's easy to adjust.
Maybe I got lucky. I dropped mine off Monday. They didn't do the ECU reflash because they can only do 1 a day and someone screwed up and scheduled 2. When they called, the lady said their old machine would fry the computer if it stopped in the middle of the flash so maybe they already know about the problem that Galaxee highlighed by starting this thread. They also didn't do the NAV recall because they didn't order the DVD even though I specifically mentioned they had to order it when I called for the appt and the lady said yes, they should have my VIN since I've been there before. They did to the state insp, new wiper blades and put the TTs back on. I don't know what monkey did that part since the next morning I checked the tires - fronts were 31, maybe 32, one rear was 32 one was 35. I figured they wouldn't be where *I* would set them, but did expect they could hit factory specs. Since the BIG push was to get the overdue state insp done, I'm waiting until I need an oil change in a month to do the TSBs. And I'm bringing my own 3.5 quarts of oil, the first time they did it, they were 1/8 inch over. The second was 1/4 inch over and I pulled out a cup to bring it down to the line. At least I know the dipstick is linear, the space between the marks is 1 inch and 1 quart.
I recommend 3 quarts on a refill. Especially if they are hurrying cars through the process and the car doesn't sit for about 5 minutes with the plug out. That put me exactly in the middle on the dipstick. :blink:
When the service writer exclaimed the 50P takes 2 hours, I was at first annoyed, as I took it to be a complaint, but he just wanted me to be aware. In retrospect, that was a good thing, as it means they at least read the bulletin. I had talked about the stories you guys have given regarding service writers and techs. He used to work for a GM dealership over 20 years ago, and even then the same stories existed. He agrees, writers don't comprehend a whole lot. What he found funny is that when he first started the dealership, senior mechanics were asking HIM for help. EDIT: Oops, forgot to mention I was referring to my dad.
Bruce: As Silverray stated, just bring 3 U.S. quarts. I had a chance last weekend to play around with oil levels: http://priuschat.com/Correct-oil-level-for...ius-t12832.html If having the oil level halfway between the two dots is of concern, when you return home slowly add more oil to bring the level to the Full dot. jay