On my way home this evening a salsa pulled up behind me. This was the first prius I had seen while in my prius. He waved and I was thrilled. Were any of you salsa owners driving down river road in bethesda tonight?
I finally get a wave...but not someone in a Prius, just so happened to be in an SUV!!! An Escalade. They were very happy and smiled really big. Of course they were looking down on me while I was looking to the stars at them. But it was cool being noticed by someone other than those people, while sitting at a light, you think "why the heck are they staring at me???" Brian
I get some waves, now and again... (SoCal) But more often I get people asking me about the car when they see it. Yesterday when I went to get my dog from daycare, a lady in an SUV & I were talking about my Salsa. She was impressed... (I guess she's waiting for the highlander, and was happy to hear that I loved my car) The other day we went to Disneyland, one of the Disney patrol guys was asking tons of questions about the Prius. All I wanted to do was ride Tower of Terror... Oh well, I guess that comes with the territory. BTW - don't leave your car unattended at dealerships (we had an oilchange to do)... when I walked back to our 2 priuses I heard one dealer ask another... "Hey, are those two for sale?"
Hehe, true about the dealership thing. Only, at the Toyota dealership I went to I got to watch 2 car salesmen checking out my car in awe. Then, they came in to ask me all kinds of questions about my car. They, sadly, didn't know anything about the Prius except that it was a hybrid. I got to explain how cool it was, though.
I was driving back to Las Angeles from Las Vegas today. I saw a nice shinny white Prius, so it made me more anxious to get home to see mine because we were in our Denali, so I rolled down the window and did a thumbs up to the driver, they did it back. Was it anyone here? Brian