Is there a thread on here that will tell me what parts I will need and where to get them? If not can someone either post them or message me with them?
I would suggest that you head over to the Enginer forums. And ask the administrator for "User" status. There are schematics there if you do a search as well as some good threads. Here is thread from the site: You won't be able to see it though until you get yourself access to the users forum of the site.
No harm in doing it right away, or at least ordering it now so you have it on hand for when you want to try it.
Being that you are the resident guru with these things what is your expert opinion. Should this be first upgrade to enginer kit or are there areas that have more pressing concerns
If i were installing a new kit today i would check, is the included BMS16D version 3.2? if no, then i would immediately install miniBMS. Even if it -was- V3.2, i would install as soon as reasonably possible.
You can also get the miniGAUGE (EV display unit). It is heaps more accurate than the SOC gauge on the BMS16D. I am happy to report that I completely deplete the Enginer battery every working day and I charge 4.2KWH into it every night since I changed to miniBMS (centralised miniBMS). It has been tested and proven and I recommend it to any Enginer User, even with the old Mottcell batteries (use distributed miniBMS). I supplied the electrical drawings for miniBMS(centralised version only) using the Enginer 5KW converter and EV display unit on the Enginer User forum.
Hey Everyone, Jack e-mailed me after 2 weeks, probably because of my thread (it appears to have gotten a lot of attention). It appears that several of us have lost quite a bit. 2k could of bought a lot of gas, even at current prices. Well, he told me to charge the batteries with a 12v charger--of course not in series. I think this is to see if the charger is at fault, and not the batteries. So, I am going to give it another shot. I'll keep everyone updated. Peace.
I would like to install a miniBMS (centralised version). I do not know if I have to remove the BMS16D or must remain connected. Does anyone have the wiring diagrams of miniBMS? My PHEV Enginer has 5KWH converter and RFE battery. Thanks
Are you already signed up as a User on Enginer's web site forums? If so, view John from Australia's thread. He includes a wiring diagram.
Just buy the bms from Corey at PacificEv it takes only 10 to 15 minutes to install and works flawlessly. I promise you will not be disappointed.
I am registered on Enginer's web forums. The link does not work and I read every thread of John from Australia without finding what I'm interested.
You should see at least two forums on Enginers site: - Enginer User - Enginer Discussion This thread is in the USER forum. Did you request User status? The thread is titled "Installing a miniBMS" The thread is started on March 5, 2011
Stefano, Could you tell me more about your experience with the PacificEV BMS? I have BMS 3.2 and it is working OK, but for the annoying delayed refresh and innaccurate reading of cells 15 and 16. Otherwise, it seems to do what it is supposed to do and I am getting around 4.5-4.6 kwh into the kit after red light. Specifically, are you seeing increased range? Do you feel like the batteries will have a longer life? Is it easy to track cell voltages like (or better than) the Enginer BMS? Thanks for your thoughts, Jeff
Yes Jeff I feel that I am getting a better charge with PacificEv bms I have noticed that I am capable of traveling a little further with this bms over my 16d v3.2. It was very easy to install and When I ran into a little problem installing it I called Corey up and he walked me right through it. Between removing and disassembling of car to install the bms even with phone call it only took me 40 min to complete.There is no display in front of car to show you your SOC but when you look at gauges in back of car they are very closely balanced with in .003 to .005 from highest to lowest cell.Before I installed PacificEv bms my mileage was 745 miles with an avg of 104 mpg since installing it i am at 940 miles with an avg of 111mpg's. Neither my route or driving style has changed I am just able to travel a little further daily before pack goes red.
You know, that is an interesting idea I had not considered. Most of the problems people report with the Enginer system are from the charger, BMS, and battery packs. So going with lead-acid batteries would actually eliminate most of that, and I dare say the optimas will be more reliable. The only real issue is that Optima batteries have poor cycle life, around 200 cycles, I think. Might be better off with some other type of sealed lead-acid batteries. I've always heard that lead-acid batteries are bad for the calcars design because the regenerative breaking will tear them up. But in the enginer design with the DC-DC converter, that wouldn't really be an issue. Unfortunately, you'd have to build your own battery racks because obviously these batteries won't fit where the originals did.