Phones not listed on that site might work, as that site only lists phones available for sale from providers in your area. Most (but not all) bluetooth phones will work.
Huh -- I thought was just a service provider, but apparently Toyota points you at them from the Prius webpage... I agree, phones not listed on that site might also work. To trust them much, I'd probably always search for the model number here to see what people are saying about it with the Prius.
I don't see phones from Verizon listed. Does anyone know if any of the Verizon bluetooth phones work?
Yes. Virtually all BT phones, including those VZW offers, will pair with the Prius thus allowing "handsfree" operation. None of the Verizon BT phones (other than the PDA/phones) have phonebook transfer functionality with the Prius, though.
I have an e815 and it works. Here's the problem. The Verizon BT phones work in that you can place or receive a call. But you can't send the phone book from the Phone to the Prius. OBEX is disabled and nobody has figured out how to enable OPP. There are workarounds: 1) You can have 17 numbers (18th being the last call) in the one-touch area. You will not see names and numbers only if the car isn't moving. I really need only 5 or so, so that isn't a problem with me. If you have a lot of numbers that's a problem. 2) Use a laptop (with BT) or PDA to send the phone book. 3) Get a cheap BT phone on eBay and use that to send the phone book. 4) Enter numbers in the POI area of the NAV system. Touch the icon and an INFO button comes up. Touch that and you get an icon for the phone. A bit awkward, and you have to do the NAV override trick, but it works.
You can see names while moving if the numbers added to the 1-touch area are from an uploaded phone book, but you can't see the numbers. I actually like not seeing the numbers, they are just clutter when you have the names...
Right, but I was responding to a Verizon question, which can only be done using the log of calls (and there is no uploaded phonebook using the workarounds), so you'll get zip, nadda, nothing when the car is moving. Like I said, I only have 5 numbers I need to call so it's easy to know that #1 is home, #2 is parents and so on.
I guess I was just clarifying, because it was sounding like you were saying it wasn't possible to get names on one-touch while moving. I'm on Verizon with an e815, and I have names, because I did a phonebook upload workaround. Just clarifying...
Yes, my bad. It was a grammatical on my part. It should've been You can have 17 numbers (18th being the last call) in the one-touch area. You will not see names (and you'll see numbers only if the car isn't moving).
Hate to keep this going, but how about: You can have 17 numbers (18th being the last call) in the one-touch area. If you don't perform a phonebook upload workaround, you will not see names (and you'll see numbers only if the car isn't moving).
What about those phones that are not bluetooth ready, but use that little gizmo that attaches to the handsfree jack that transmits via bluetooth to a bluetooth earpiece. Will that work with the Prius?
Yup, works fine in the main. You can only transfer one at a time, and an incoming call only rings the phone. Also doesnt seem to show any calls in the received calls log. That could be the way I have set up the phone book. BT quality is fine. Chris
Nope. Those thingies, like the Jabra model, will allow you to pair your non-BT phone with a BT headset but that's about it. It won't pair with the Prius because there's no way to enter the code when the car requests it and, I'm pretty sure, they're missing the requisite profile (handsfree). Anyway, the Jabra model I saw was something like 60 bucks while a lot of online resellers are offering the RAZR free after rebates with a two-year contract. Also, having a non-BT phone PLUS a Jabra BT adapter PLUS a BT headset will leave you with THREE devices that need charging.
Work is buying me a Nextel. They have 3 phones with Bluetooth. 2 are the Blackberry and the other is like $300. So that sucks....oh well.
Users attempting to get around Verizon's disablement of OBEX on phones using their network may be interested to know that Verizon settled the class action suit Grant R. Opperman, et al v Cellco Partnership doing business as Verizon Wireless, et al, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No BC 326764. Verizon was accused of misrepresenting the 710 Bluetooth functionality and agreed to refund customer payments for the phones, or cancellation of Verizon contract without penalty or $25 cash. The Verizon Razr3 will be available next week, but it is crippled in the same manner as the 710. The difference seems to be that Verizon has stopped the misrepresentation (but not the disablement) and says upfront that the Verizon Razr does not support OBEX. I don't know how they decide who gets notified of the proposed settlement and who doesn't, but with the information given above you should be able to look it all up if you are a member of the "class." (I got notified by unsolicited mail.) You must make a selection of settlement very early in December or you are out of luck.