Calling all Aussies and Kiwis !!

Discussion in 'International Owners' started by norman, Mar 27, 2004.

  1. kenmac

    kenmac New Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Welcome arief.

    You will find plenty to digest on this forum.
    I have a Silver without I-tech, couldn't justify the extra dollars.

  2. norman

    norman New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    hey arief, check your personal mail on this forum
  3. arief

    arief New Member

    May 19, 2004
    Hi guys,

    I initially orederd the gold colour one but then I changed my mine. I think the silver one looks cool esp with a full window tinting.

    I would've loved it if they offered a leather interior. Do you guys know of any aftermarket ones in OZ?
  4. kenmac

    kenmac New Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi arief,
    I don't think most accessories people in Oz know that Prius exists here! It is very new.
    So we are very much limited with factory stuff except for some items available ex US/Canada.
    Seat covers and mudflaps are available there at reasonable prices.
    Peter and I got mudflaps ex Canada and he got sheepskin covers ex US.

  5. aussie

    aussie New Member

    Mar 28, 2005
    im in Sydney ive got a silver i tech, i love it and have done 38000km, still running smooth. I need some new tyres though should i get the same brand or does anyone recomend anything else?
  6. kenmac

    kenmac New Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi aussie,
    What brand do you have?
    Mine had Michelin Energy MXV1 tyres.
    These cost $280+ each!
    In a recent thread here I discussed a problem I had in getting replacements - (my rear LHS was damaged).
    Anyway, it turned out that there were none of that tyre available in Oz!
    Fortunately, once they became aware of the supply problem, Toyota overcame it by providing a complete set of Michelin MXV8's ($192 ea - I paid for one only!)
    I assume that Michelin have by now brought in some stock of the originals.
    The MXV8's are softer ride and quieter (and cheaper) and indications so far are that fuel consumption figures have improved slightly (still on 2nd tank after tyre change)
    Handling seems better but that could be just the result of the precision front-end alignment that I had done when they changed the tyres.
    They may well not last as long, but only time will tell.
    Incidentally, I run standard pressures (35/33) up to now but will try higher later to see what effect it has.
    Good luck.

  7. sleeka

    sleeka Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    Brisbane. Australia.
    2009 Prius
    Aussie and Kenmac.
    Where are you in OZ, Aussie? Now that there are a few of us OZ Prius owners involved, maybe we should swap our ownership experiences.
    Kenmac...I read in your earlier posts that you sourced mudflaps ex-Canada. I inquired about them, and a bonnet protector, but the shipping costs made it too expensive. I also note that Norman got seat covers from overseas. I have had my sheepskin covers made and fitted here (will post some photos soon). Also have all windows tinted, and factory mats.
    I was very fortunate with our Prius. When we decided to buy, I contacted a mate at Toyota State HQ, who advised me on which dealers had any stock on hand to check out colours in the flesh. Then when we decided on a colour, another call gave me available (or soon to land) stock details. It just so happened that a dealer not too far away had a Gold base model available on the showroom floor, so it became ours.
    It's going in for the 1000km service today. Our average so far is 4.9 l/100km.
    Most common questions from interested outsiders are (1) "What is it? I want one!" and (2) "Where do you plug it in?"
    Good to hear that Toyota looked after you with the tyre supply problem, too. I toyed with the idea of swapping the Michelins for Yokohamas at delivery, but opted to see how the Michies go for a while.

    Regards, Sleeka.
  8. Duck Dodgers

    Duck Dodgers New Member

    May 30, 2005
    Hello guys, I've got a silver iTech to be delivered in August.

    Just a quick thing about the headlights, I don't think it's AS necessary anymore as headlights are seldom made of glass, they're all polycarbonate which is pretty strong stuff.

    I'm in Sydney so any hints, tips tricks will be appreciated, read the JBL is sound is not up to scratch so i will be transferring the subwoofer I built for my previous car and some Boston Acoustics speakers over to this car.

    I have a Navman ICN 510 and would NEVER go back to road maps as well as motorola bluetooth car kit, the iTech package seemed an ideal substitute for me and pricing did not outweigh the advantages of an integrated car kit.

    Mine's going to be silver with a full tint hurray!

    As for servicing it's just a modified echo motor after all, the transmission is a planetary gear system with nothing to do but an oil check every 40,000 so really what's the big deal? undoubtedly the synergy drive software/control is complicated but you don't need to top up the photons in the silicon chips so it's really up to how well Panasonic made the battery and toyota's subcontractors made the control gear/motor

    MTW aren't the Michys low rolling resistance tyres?
  9. klyon

    klyon New Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    Hi Everyone
    After years of dreaming (well about 5 years) I took ownership of my first Prius about 2 hours ago after only discovering it for sale on Tuesday. I got a 2002 model for an asbolute scream and can already confirm the downside of everyone wanting you to drive to lunch!
    Can't wait to drive it a bit more and truly discover the joy of owning a Prius.
    Kat in Perth (West Aust)
  10. Duck Dodgers

    Duck Dodgers New Member

    May 30, 2005
    Congrats! Getting mine when I get back from hols! What did you pay? Like to know because I will be selling the one I get in about a year after I get it (company car)

    Just got out of London, we were in Kings Cross station on the 7/7, pretty lucky to be in one piece I guess was a bit of a hassle to get to the airport but not too bad the next day.
  11. KS

    KS New Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    New Zealand
    My turn ! Seeing I've been browsing the forum for ages, but have only just discovered this thread.

    Ain't she an amazing car ?

    Alas my budget hasn't been big enough to get a new one, so I picked up a 2000 from Japan. Even for something of 'old' technology, it's an amazing car. I figure if I can hold onto this for a year or so, I should then be able tog et a 2005 model.

    But not at the current $43k RRP ! Esp with the value of the NZ peso.
  12. cupcake

    cupcake New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
    hi im new here. ordering one for next year. cant wait
  13. cupcake

    cupcake New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
    btw. im from sydney
  14. sleeka

    sleeka Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    Brisbane. Australia.
    2009 Prius
    Cupcake, and welcome.
    There seem to be very few Aussies active in this forum recently, it's good to hear from another (soon-to-be) Prius owner.
    What colour/level have you ordered? What is the current waiting list like in Sydney (I'm in Brisbane).
    The Prius is an amazing car, be prepared for a lot of interest from those around you when you finally get it! But also be amazed at the overall design and the way everything will be finding little innovative things for quite a while after you take it home. And, of course, 60 MPG in today's climate of high fuel prices isn't hard to take!
    The only downside I know of is the fact that Toyota offers virtually no accessories here (apart from floor mats) for Prius. Useful things like the slimline side window deflectors, mudflaps etc, are only available from overseas...and transport costs then make them expensive.
  15. mcmurray

    mcmurray Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2005
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I do agree.

    I have ordered a '06 Prius for February? delivery but am expecting something of a 'culture shock'. I currently drive a Mark IV Toyota Supra ('93) but due to a new job and the need to commute 140kms per day to the new location I felt that fuel economy is a necessity.

    The Supra gets about 14.5l/100kms which means that I will use about 20.25 litres per day (or $23.00 per day). With the Prius I expect to use less than 7 litres per day ($8.00), a saving of some $15.00 per day or $3500 p.a.!

    Any way you look at it, that is worth saving. The only issue about the whole thing is having to give up the performance and the handling of the Supra :( .
  16. cupcake

    cupcake New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
    hi sleek, hi murray

    i ordered a white one for delivery in feb. IT pack.. and mcmurray. i traded in a lowered suspension bmw, i feel just the same way as u do. it was really sad delivering the key to the dealer the other day. but im glad its all over.. now just wait :)

    heard from the dealer there is a front lip spoiler on the 06 prius IT pack. wonder that thats like. cant wait.

    hey sleek. how many l/100km are u getting? the book says 4.4 but i want to know how close it is to the real experience.
  17. sleeka

    sleeka Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    Brisbane. Australia.
    2009 Prius
    Cupcake and McMurray.
    Coming out of a Beemer and Supra respectively, you will notice a drop in performance. However, the sheer driving experience of a Prius will be very rewarding once you re-adjust to the different driving style. And not just because of the fuel economy! I moved from a V6 Camry Touring (Sports model, and quite quick), and was not disappointed at all. The torque from the electric motor at low speed and for overtaking is quite amazing!

    The Prius is a very well-designed and engineered vehicle, with Lexus build quality. Equipment levels (in the Oz cars we are interested in) are good, comfort is excellent, and handling is good...even better for you with the '06 cars. It is very quiet, and you will find that once you have been driving one for a short while, you will subconciously find that you will be driving for efficiency most of the time. The dashboard display will assist you in this, and it will become second-nature to drive efficiently using the real-time consumption display, and reading the road and traffic conditions around you. Having said, that, power is always there if needed!
    Look forward to high levels of driving satisfaction as you enjoy your Prius and it's features and efficiency.

    Re: my fuel consumption...we have done almost 9000 km now, and average is around 4.8 l/100km. Current consumption is on 4.6 l/100km. This can be improved by about .3 l/100km by using Optimax fuel, but because of the 10 cents/litre extra, it negates the consumption benefit, so stick to regular unleaded.
    Mac, you will be VERY pleased at the decrease in your fuel bills (particularly at Sydney prices).

    As I stated in my previous post, there is a severe lack of Prius accessories in OZ. I am very keen to get the slimline weathershields and possibly mudflaps from the Canadian Toyota Depot site. Would either of you (or any other Australian owners) be interested also? If we did a bulk order for a few sets in one box, it would spread the freight costs and make the cost per set resonable. The weathershields are currently A$64.50 per set, and mudflaps A$42.50 per set (plus freight). Please let me know either by reply or PM me if you are interested or would like other info.

  18. nbarnes81

    nbarnes81 New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hi guys,

    Im another one on the waiting list for the 06 IT Prius .. at the moment mine is suppose to be delivered in Jan. I just wished we had a more variety or better colour choices for the car like the do o/s. I ended up getting a crystal blue, been thinking now I hope that doesn't look to bad.

  19. Duck Dodgers

    Duck Dodgers New Member

    May 30, 2005
    Hi all!,

    Sorry about the delay, been to Melbourne for 2 months on business, saw a blue and another silver Prius like mine down there!

    On the drive down got 726km with one flashing block left on the guage.

    Really pushed it to get that far and was running out of fuel, luckily the satnav showed me the nearest Caltex servo (got a fuel card), phew! drove with the fogs and parkers on for safety, also had an iPod connected to the cassette adapter.

    When I was running out of fuel I discovered the following:

    It takes a significant amount of fuel to push the prius past 80km/h, I found around 0.1 l/100 to cruise each 10km/h over 80, also switching the JBL off (it was on loud) and the lights was good for 0.1.

    I have found some probs, obviously a cassette adapter is awful and I really need to pod this ride, also the not reach adjustable wheel is terrible, I can't really find a good cruising position for the car. It's built for someone with longer arms than me, I found I was pulling on the wheel.

    Other than that I found the car VERY quiet and I arrived in MEL and back in SYD in great shape, this was MUCH easier than when I did it in a Pug 206CC last year.

    Haven't forgotten about the pic of the strut bar will do it by next posting promise!
  20. mcmurray

    mcmurray Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2005
    Gold Coast, Australia
    Cupcake, I know how you feel about losing the old favourite hottie - I'll have to wait till after Feb to experience the sadness!

    Sleeka, I'm sure you are right about being happy about fuel savings. I live on the Gold Coast and in Feb begin driving to Brisbane daily. The Supra uses 14.4l/100km so I will see a 66% decrease in costs ( $8/day against $24/day!).

    As far as the accessories are concerned, anything that will help 'protect' the car (paint) should be considered. I would be willing to join in on an order for some stuff but perhaps with all my M1 mileage (700kms/week) I should get a front end mask (bra) to protect the paint.

    Sleeka, could you also please check out the price for the front end mask? And what do you think about the rear bumper applique?

    John (mcmurray)