Here are some threads from your own board, Detail City, discussing reformulated Armor All. From Autopia, a very long discussion: So to make a long story short, Armor All may not be the best product in the world (thats a matter of opinion) but it won't harm the plastics in your car (thats a matter of fact).
Well I went to a lot of good schools, including U of M, Ohio State, Hillsdale College, University of Washington, and made it trough graduate school and as I told the head of the English Department at my under grad school " have dyslexia and even if I do not spell well now that I am in Medical School I can hire an English major to spell for me" Never assume that someone that can not spell is illiterate. They may well be more intelligent than you are! Sorry for the preaching but I have been fighting this spelling thing all my life and I would like to go back to the era before dictionaries were written. Given it is the centennial of the Louis and Clark Expedition, have you ever read the originals. More than a few spelling errors from these educated men.
I too am in Medicine.. have been since 1982... I used to never be Dyslexic.. until the last 5 years or so... I can type pretty fast, but If not for that, I could really fly!... I have a friend that bought my house I built thats totally powered my hydrolectrics!... I lived for 12 years in it, and now he has lived for another 8. He has really struggled with the concepts of what makes it work and how to maintain it... you might say almost to the point of "clueless"... but when It comes to computer programming.. he's a genius and gets paid accordingly!!!!! Some are good at math, some building, some teaching, and some know how to spell! But I know the author of that statement was just being cute.... I thought it was a bit funny! Its also a plus to laugh at our weaknesses as long as others don't stereotype you for them.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Well, black would be a death sentence for my rural, snow, sand, grit & salt covered roadways. I'd have to get a 2nd job if I wanted to keep my car clean looking! I know a well maintained black car is striking, but not for me!
yep, black cars are hobbies. i'm itching to get mine washed. it's supposed to be beautiful outside tonight and tomorrow. i might just take off work early today, since i'm all caught up
THe problem with the black color and not just in the prius is that the under color is usually white. So any little scratch actually looks as white scratch..... Also swirls are visible... and dust and so on .... Thats why we insisted on silver this time around
The only thing on my interior that shows any kind of handprints or fingerprints is the mfd screen, because I'm constantly touching it to do climate control, navi map, audio, and energy screens. Constantly.
I tried to order from this site, but I cancelled because they seemed most unusual in the way the practiced. The asked me via email for my last 3 numbers on my credit card. They also provided a # to call them and when I did they wanted me to tell them the number before they would complete the order. They say it is illegal to ask for it on thier secure website when ordering..... I told them I have recently ordered many things that have asked for it on thier secure website and what makes them so different? When I asked them to provide the new law address so I can view it they couldn't. She just said everybody gives it to them and it hasn't been a problem? They made me so aggravated by not knowing why they do what they do.. I just cancelled my order. I went back to see if I could find on thier website where they state they will be calling for the number and I coudn't either. Does anyone know if this is in fact a law?...
Check out the following link. I've never used their products but the instructions for repairing scratches are very detailed. It looks like the techniques could be applied to other company's products.
Wow.. that looks like a very interesting fix for a serious scratch..... mine was just into the clear coat..... Zaino scratch removal and Z5 took care of that.... totally gone now. * swirl remover * and Z5 to finish I suppose I could have gotten by without the Z5.... I was quite amazed with the results... The first few rubs "with a tiny dap on a rag" didn't seem to take it completely out, but everytime I hit it, it went away till finally gone. As you can read it actually fills the crack: Swirl Remover... Z5..... but for serious scratches through the paint itself, it sounds like the kit you recommended would be the ticket to at least get you started.