As I was installing my new seat covers, I noticed that the rear set belt connections seem to be in backwards on the left of center rear seat connection. The red button to disengage the seat belt is on the underside of the belt when worn, is that normal. Here's a picture. See how the left connection has the red button on the outside. I had the back seat out and really can't see a way to change this as the seatbelts are seat specific due to different side metal connections on the prong part. I tried to see if there was a way t o remove the seatbelt connector bolt and fix this, but the connection is made with a bent piece of metal that only connects as shown. If anyone can take a second and look at their back seats, are your connections backwards like mine?
Just switch the two belt receptacle webs in the cushion crack and all will be alright with the world. Then the center belt tongue will fit into the receptacle nearest to it and the left outside belt into the one nearest it. Enjoy, its still just a car.
Mine are exactly like yours in your picture. The rear center seat's belt latch crosses the rear driver-side seat's belt latch.
Not obsessing, clearly just a car....I have a 9 and 12 year old that practically live back there. They complain. Easier said than done. The belt connection on the right is very short, no play to speak of between where it attaches to the frame. The center belt has a smidge more belt before attaching at the frame, but not much. Simply swapping them really won't work. If I could I'd do it. I tried with the seat removed.
Dear Naptown, I just switched them on mine a little while ago, but I didn't remove the rear seat. I just switched them in the crack and they stayed that way. I can see why your kids complained! Good luck.
Old thread I know, but I just found it and was also wondering why the rear seat connectors are backwards. I've have the rear seat out so, yes they are installed backwards from Toyota. Some have said it was so child seats would install easier, but I don't know for sure.
I have 2008, and mine too are backwards. Why? I really wish someone could provide a good reason - I'm not really buying the given explanations which seem more like excuses. I can only imagine that if they are all this way, it was done for a reason, but I don't see how they would be any more effective with or without a car seat. Furthermore, why are they keyed at all? That just seems pointless.
The pull angle on the seat belt anchors is important. The seat belt connectors cross to provide a better angle to the anchors. The connectors are keyed to keep the proper angle. Tom
I'm glad someone else noticed this. I was trying to put the middle seat belt latch in the slot per the manual, and it just didn't work. And when I noticed that the buckles seemed swapped, I thought something was wrong.
By overlapping the attachment points you get a slightly more comfortable pull angle. It really only applies when you have three people in the back seat. With two, there is space in between. With three, things get crowded, so the overlap helps. Tom