I've been snooping through the messages here for awhile, waiting 'till I picked up my car to make my first post. Just picked up my brand new 2005 Tideland Pearl #5 tonight. I made sure to bring the Prius pick-up checklist that I printed out from the vfaq.net site. 1. Sure enough, when I got to check the engine oil it was well over the 2nd mark. I insisted that they siphon some oil out to get it below the mark and got an argument, i.e. the oil comes directly from Toyota and this is what they recommend. 2. Then we programmed the Homelink for my 2 garage doors. Sure enough, when I got home the system did not work. I finally figured out that I have a rolling code system and successfully programmed it myself. 3. I haven't checked the tire pressure yet- waiting for the tires to cool down. Question: Should I persue the issue with the oil overfill or drive it this way and just wait for the first oil change at 5,000 miles? I am truly grateful for all the good info I have received here. -dd
Congratulations! When I got mine, the oil level wasn't over much and I didn't do anything until the first oil change. They had overfilled it, so I removed the extra myself with a tube I bought for $2 at Pep Boys. If it's way over you may want to simply remove it yourself.
There have been some pretty heated discussions about the differences in education levels of 'technicians'... While you think about that... You should be fine with the factory/dealer over fill. Just wait until the next oil change to make sure its done correctly. If it isn't, then you can scream and yell at the top or your lungs. Or, cut out the middle idio err... man and do the oil change your self. For reference, I've never changed oil in my life until I had my Prius and it's _very_ easy to do. I have it down to 30 min, three latex gloves, three paper towels, and 3.5-3.9 quarts of oil.
What's really weird is that they always say that it's the exact specs and that (in some dealerships), the exact amount is measured by computer. Then they say, "we always go by the dipstick since the has a chance of giving the wrong amount." Well, I'm telling them the dipstick says it's over, what sayest thou?
Is it over the Full mark or just a specific tick mark on it? Seems to me, that if it's right at Full, that should be fine. If it's over the line, then that would be more of an issue.
I change oil myself. First 3 Liters, then add as necessary. Every time the dealer has had the vehicle they overfilled the oil - and they don't seem to get it, even with a thorough discussion. It is unfortunate, but this is the way it is. The dealer also overcharges for oil. Take care of your Prius by being well informed and knowing your vehicle. Each time the discussion comes up, I just refer them to Priuschat.
Congratulations on your new Prius, Twiddles, and welcome as a poster to PriusChat! It seems to me that if there's a mark on the oil dip stick that indicates Full, then any oil above that mark indicates the crankcase is overfilled. You can argue with the dealer, earning a reputation as another hyper-picky Prius nerd, or fix it yourself, as others have suggested. If it's just a little over filled, it won't do harm. Use the "problem" as a learning experience to see how the dealer reacts. Since your location isn't in your profile (hint, hint) I don't know if there are other dealers for you to choose from.
Congratulations on your new car. Mine was about 1/8 inch over the second dot on the dipstick when I got it. As far as I am concerned that is simply not enough extra oil to worry about. So I guess to me the answer depends on what you mean by "well over". As mentioned by others I do my own oil changes and I am careful not to over fill.
Does anyone here think this engine is straight out of nascar? The dipstick shows low oil level, and full oil level. Now, do you think the tolerance on this engine is so tight that any above the line and you're doing damage, or just a hair below the line and you're doing damage? No... The dipstick is a guide. The engine will do fine a little over or a little under. They didn't put the marks on the dipstick at critical boundries. Yes, if you fill it with about 10 quarts, you'll be so far over and beyond the actual tolerance of the engine. You'll be bending connecting rods, etc. You run it with 1 quart in it, you'll likely do damage. A bit over or under and you'll be fine.
I think they ALL come from the factory a hair over. I wouldn't worry about it. If it starts ok then it's not too far over. It seems that's the problem...if the oil is overfilled it gets backed up into the intake manifold and causes a no start condition. That what my prius tech told me last year at my first oil change.
Thanks for all the replies and kind words. Dealer did say that it was filled by computer to Toyota specs. Regardless, the oil is about 1/2 inch over the "full" line, which is more than I am comfortable with. I'll probably take aaf709's suggestion and pick up a tube at Pep Boys and siphon the excess off myself.
It's not a NASCAR thing, like so many things on a high-efficiency car it's a MPG thing. The consensus is overfill reduces miles per gallon. When you're talking high MPG, everything comes into play. The only argument seems to be how much overfill is too much... BTW, it's about 2 ounces per 1/10 of an inch on the dipstick by my measurements. That means you are 10 ounces overfilled. You can simply loosen the nut on the oil pan, and drain it into a measuring cup, stopping at 10 ounces. If you take too much out, put a little back using the same guideline.
Twiddles, just want to say congratulations on the purchase and welcome to Priuschat! Ok, I'm a newbie too <_<
Congratulations on your new Prius! I just picked up my '05 Tideland on Friday, so we probably have cars that are close relatives The oil on mine was just a tad over the mark. Nothing to worry about.
I think Twiddles has every right to ask the question since many people have experienced poorer MPG with even slight overfilling. YMMV
At least you have oil. Two stories that may help you decide to do all future changes yourself: 1. An old friend of mine took in his Toyota truck for a dealer change. Tech forgot to put the cap back on. Oil sprayed the entire engine and had to be cleaned off. 2. My sister-in-law had her oil drained and changed -- or NOT. She drove away with an empty crankcase, saw the oil light, and stopped. No oil. For such a critical thing I've found it essential to do my own. None of my four TDIs ever saw the dealer.
I too ended up with an over fill on pick up. I even knew better, but I was so excited I did not check it. I picked up the car on Friday August 13 2004. I checked the oil Saturday am and it was over filled. I had the most amazing experience. My son takes his car to a local Jiffy Lube in Helena MT. I took my car to the Jiffy Lube because the Toyota dealership was closed for service. I asked the Manager a young man just out of high school about the problem. He knew about the car, displacement, engine, HSD, suggested I increase the air pressure in the tires. He was on the ball. Removed the extra oil from the car and sent me on my way. I later learned that the high school in Helena has a national award winning automotive technician program. Go figure. The future is good. There are people training to help us.
Avoid the problem in the future by telling the oil changer to use exactly three quarts, no more, no less. You might make this somewhat easier by providing them with three quart bottles of oil; tell them no topping off with their own oil, and that you will check the dipstick on their driveway before you leave. Why does this work? The total system capacity is 3.9 quarts. Three quarts is plenty because it is not feasible to get all of the old oil out. By repeated experiment, three quarts leaves the level on the dipstick about halfway between ADD and FULL, which is fine.