I got the plugs for my '06. I hope to put them in in a day or 2. My question is: is it necessary to disconnect the 12v battery to do this? I've changed plugs in other cars without doing so. Thanks...Dick
You will not need to disconnect battery same as a regular car. You will just need a thin wall socket and extension.
I have a 2005 Prius and changed the plugs without disconnecting the battery. Got PROBLEM engine light and Hybrid Warning Light!!! Solution - disconnect and re-connect the battery - causing the computer to reset and the lights to go off. PS It also reset the back-up beep back to ON.
Changed them on my '07 no problem. Don't need to disconnect battery, but you should have your car turned off (not ACC, not READY). No warning lights, worked just fine.
The service manual says to disconnect, but it is not necessary. It is possible that the husband disconnected something else that was in the way and caused the problem. However, a happy ending nonetheless.
Most workshop manuals list disconnecting the battery negative as the first step in many procedures purely as a safety measure to prevent any possibility of the car being started while the work is being performed. Just switch the sks system off and have your keys in a safe place (other than the ignition).