2011 Prius Four. Low on the front grille between headlight and air scoop on both sides is a small approx. 2" square "door" or cover that is not identified on the sketches of the car in the owner's manual. For some reason, the attendant at the car wash puts masking tape over each of these covers just like he does for the rear window wiper blade. Any idea what that is?
I don't fully understand the description of the location, but 2" square covers in the bumper are covers for where you screw the tow hooks in.
+1 plus you will find that bolt in the rear hatch under the floor board with the spare tire and tools.
As the other's said, they're covers for the towing hook attachment points. Since the covers just pop off I'm assuming the car wash people are afraid that they may come off and get lost or damaged while your car is being washed. (I'm guessing that happened at least once before and after having to pay for a replacement for someone they instituted the tape policy.)
If someone at a car wash would put tape on my car it would be the first and last time I would go there.