Saw this driving home. It was a 2010 or earlier Prius and that definitely looks to be a re-charger adapter. The photo was taken at a stop light so quality is poor. That is a hinge at the top. Thanks,
I blurred the tag, but it was in Tennessee and from a Tennessee dealer. Thanks for the reply and confirming what I thought.
It's can't be a 2010 Prius. Your picture is of a 2nd gen so it must be an 04-09 Prius. That location is a common place to put the plug on Priuses w/PHEV kits installed. See Top Plug-In Hybrid and CalCars Photos and
Before I read the thread I was like thats a Picture of my car! Same color and plug located in same place! As stated throughout this thread the car has a phev conversion from one of many companies.
Yep! They're everywhere! Just the other day, I saw a Department of Energy PHEV Prius. I'm 100% sure that it was a Hymotion kit. Funny thing... There's only a handful of plug-in hybrids in Southern California(mainly Los Angeles and surrounding areas). It was a pleasant surprise to see it riding along I-10!