This is my first summer in my 2010 Prius. Anyone else notice excessive wind on your face when driving with the driver side window down? I'm guessing it might have to do with the shape of the car. I can drive at freeway speeds in my 02 Civic with the window down but if I'm travelling faster than a crawl in the Prius it becomes really annoying.
I cannot drive on the highway with the window (any window) down. It makes a loud gushing noise. I don't think I can go beyond 45 with the window down.
You shouldn't drive with the windows down at freeway speed. You're just creating a parachute at the rear of the car. Use the A/C instead. I roll the windows down in city driving and use the A/C whenever I get on the freeway.
If I drive with the drivers (or any front window down) I drop the rear behind it a little bit or all the way. Makes it so it doesn't come rushing in on your face like you describe OP.
I just did a road trip and used the moon / sun roof in vent mode. That and the regular vent worked just fine, except when came upon road construction which I quickly rolled down windows. Was sunny and 70's...
unfortunately i can't unroll my rear windows until the canucks are awarded the stanley cup. i have two window flags back there
A nice breeze comes from all the windows EXCEPT the driver's down a few inches. And loose the the flags, hoser! Signed: Blackhawks fan.
That's just it, if he rolled the windows down, the flags would come loose. Plus, you've had your turn with Stanley.
Here's one for the San Jose Sharks fans. Naturally, since the player in the penalty box was Ben Eager, the flasher's been dubbed Eager Beaver. I love this place. Now, back to talking about driving topless. I mean, with the windows down.
I should mention the wind turbulence is excessive at low speeds, not just on the freeway. I noticed a thread in the gen II forum about the same issue. I would highly suggest the sunroof option to anyone looking at buying a Prius. Especially those who prefer fresh air over A/C.
i have to disagree on the II. upto 45-50 mph, no problem at all with the drivers window down. rear window? that's a whole nuther ruptured eardrum story.
The sunroof is just as bad Our BMW ragtop has less turbulence when we drop to the top on it I had a sunroof installed on my pick up truck and there is no turbulance even at speeds of 110 km/hr On sunroofs that slide into the roof there able to just about no turbulance, onees that slide above the roof there is a lot
I have a Gen III and find the wind noise to be non-objectionable with the windows cracked or open.. I adjust the window openings frequently, but if I have a front window open I also partially open the same rear window. Above 45 mph, I roll up the windows and use AC. The wind noise in the Prius is greatly improved over the 2006 Avalon.