RE: the Left Behind series. Someone did a great job of critically tearing apart the pathetic excuse for "writing" done by the "authors" of this series... Don't drink anything whilst reading! You can poke around and find the first entry and read it chronologically, but it isn't really necessary... just jump in! Left Behind Fridays
Believe me, I understand your being put in what appeared to be a no win situation, but my honest answer is going to be one that I fear you will not agree with or understand. First and formost, I would put the situation in God's hands with both mine and my churches prayer and fasting. Having done that, I would submit to the draft, but refuse to bear arms, as I believe that to be in violation of Gods law. My (hypothetical) sargent could hand me a gun, but he could not force me to accept/use it and I would continue to pleade CO statis. Worst case senerio, I'm put in the stockade for failure to obey a direct command, but I have not violated my conscience or my duty to report. As for you second question, please forgive my simple, but straight forward and honest answer. Because it is the truth.
In my Religion, we observe the Sabbath, (Black) by watching NASACR BBQ'ing BRATS, and consuming vaste quantities of the Holy Brew! Services are open to all, just BYOB&B, and mind your manners!
Good point - though not in the way you meant it. Early humans who domesticated pigs would have selected for meat quality. But Jesus didn't know about this - he was just a pious religious Jew who hated the occupiers. Pork eating Romans claiming to represent Jesus is like beaf eating Brits heading the church of Gandhi.
Thank you. Then you are a pacifist, and I deeply respect that. Personally, I would refuse the draft. I told the draft board I would refuse to enter the military, and at my physical I told them I would refuse to enter the military, but since I was not drafted, I did not have to choose between prison or emigration. I'd have chosen emigration, but didn't have to. It was roughly two and a half decades later, when I did choose prison, in a different context. Anyway, refusal to bear arms is something else we have in common, along with not eating meat and agreeing that the god hypothesis is unprovable.
[quote = passage from Mark 13 the LOL Cats version] 6 D00dz r gonna be all "Hey I iz Christ!" and trick some peoplez. 7 Ur gonna hear of warz an roomurz ov warz, dun be skeert: 4 stuff happenz; but iz not game over yet k? 8 4 Nashun shall rize against nation, n kingdom against kingdom: n thar shall be earthquakez in divers placez (skeery!), n thar shall be faminez n troublez: theez r teh birth pains, no flesh iz spared. 9 But take heed 2 urselves: 4 they shall delivr u up to councilz; and n teh synagogues u shall be beaten: n ur gonna be brought be4 rulerz an kingz for my sake, 4 testimony against them. 10 N teh gospel must first be published among all nashuns, even lolcats k. 11 But when they lead u, n delivr u up, dun worry what ur gonna say, n don't think: but whatevr u get n ur hed, say that: because ur not talkin, Spooky Cat iz. 12 Now teh brother iz gonna slay teh brother, n teh father teh son; n kidz shall rize up against their ownerz, n get em killed. 13 N ur gonna be hated for bein my d00dz: but stick it out, n ur gonna be saved k? 14 But when u see teh abomination ov desolation, spoken ov by Daniel the psychic d00d, standin where it'z not allowed, (r u listenin?) then let them that r n Judaea flee to teh mountainz: 15 If ur on ur roof, don' go in ur house, and don' get ur stuff: 16 An if ur n teh field don't go back for ur jacket. 17 But woe 2 u that haz child, and 2 u that givez suck n thoze dayz! 18 N pray that ur flight iz not n winter. 19 4 n thoze days shall be worst diseasez evar! 20 N unless Ceiling Cat shortens thoze dayz, no flesh will be spared: unless ur one ov my d00dz.[/quote]
I'm riding 200 miles tomorrow. I can't wait to see what happens. Jesus said it would happen "soon." But that was 2000+ years ago, so I guess this is all relative. I'm just going on what others tell me. I honestly know nothing - which I think makes me safe.
Awesome. But...what are you doing here? You shouldn't be worried about such trivial things as the rapture. You should be absorbing nutrients, stretching, and either planning out your hydration stops or filtering enough water to load up the trailer. Good luck, my friend. Have a great ride.
as i posted int the other thread.......... stay home. the line to get into hell is way too long and not worth your time.
Well it's Sunday 22nd May here now and we're all still here. Did they specify which 6pm (gmt, est etc?) that the world was going to end?