New owner, first time Prius owner. Searched high and low but perhaps the search options are too broad. I am hoping that there is a quick answer to this: Any technical difference between turning the ECO diplay "on" or "off" when setting display options? I know when "off", the ECO sign does not show but does it also mean the car runs differently? Is this just a way to avoid having that thing show up? Sorry but I am going with the idea that "there are not stupid questions" (I hope). Thank you.
AFAIK it just makes the light not come on. You can still activate and drive in eco, pwr or normal modes even with the eco light turned off which gets shown in the MID.
Thanks, Paradox. It took me awhile to figure out what AFAIK meant but I got it. Just getting the light to go on and off seems to occupy quite a bit of technology/attention....being the first option to be listed. This was what made me wonder if this option meant more than that.
ECON mode just changes how the gearing is adjusted. Same for power mode. Power mode makes gearing more agressive, ECON makes it somewhat more economical, but at the cost of acceleration. When I first got my Prius (about a month ago) I left it in ECON mode most of the time, but have since just left it in normal mode. With careful driving it doesn't seem to effect mileage much if at all.
Its not gearing though its pedal response. I work in normal and switch to power when I want to smoke someone off the line...not that you can't do it in any other mode but its fun to say "I just smoked you in a Prius and I didn't even have to floor it." The little eco oval will not appear in power mode but does in all others. I assume this is because the engine is kept at the ready in pwr mode.
Thanks for as far as I know Sorry Spell check failed "hink"= hint Sounds,looks, like a good Vanity Plate
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