i have a 2011 prius with SKS system; i have found an 'automatic door lock when walk away' module and am getting ready to install it. the output signal to send the 'door lock' command is 200mA -can someone confirm this is the correct output strength? -where does this go; i.e. where is the input on the computer for the signal from the lock switch (or can i just splice into the wire coming from the lock switch on the door armrest?) -finally, which wire(s) by the drivers left foot is from the 'door open/closed' indicator switch? thanks
That method was meant for older cars. It might work with new cars but it creates a lot of issues. The correct way to auto lock the doors is sending a unlock command over the CAN bus. After market alarm systems will do this. I have a Viper System in my Prius and it auto locks the doors after I leave the car. It is set to lock the doors 30 seconds after I shut the door.
there should be no difference in the method; both systems send a lock signal, i just need to know where it goes. to what 'issues' do you refer? after you walk away, your alarm sends out a lock pulse, so does this. how would they differ?
There is no difference at the servo level that makes the mechanical switch at the door open or close. Cars over the last 10 year report back to the ECU the status of the lock over the CAN bus. The ECU does things when the door is locked or unlocked like turning on the doom light. In the Prius when the door is unlocked it starts the brake pump. There are many other things that happen when a door is locked or unlocked. When you send a signal over the CAN bus the car acts normal. When it is forced at the servo level bad things happen.