Thought I'd say greetings. Ordered (a bit reluctantly) a 2011. I have been driving a 2007 Honda Civic LX and really do like the car. I had planned to pick up the 2011 as the 2012 was a model change. I had been getting very good MPG's and the car is fun enough, I wanted to go up a notch to the EX with the extras. Had a great deal set up but a bit slow on the trigger, long story short, not many EX's anymore and then when May rolled in they jacked it up over $1,000. So even though it was alot more I took a Prius out for the afternoon, had a very complete test drive and was very impressed, enough so I came back and bought one. Delivery, in about a week so I thought I'd stop lurking and join you folks.
:welcome:Welcome to PriusChat. Your 07 Honda is barely broke in, but maybe it's time for an upgrade to higher MPGs, technology and low emissions. Hope your new Prius becomes all you hope for.
All true, my younger brother really needed a car. Still, I'm actually getting "excited" about the whole hybrid thing. My wife is NOT any too impressed, however, should I need the ego boost I can borrow her Miata (hope no one finds out it's an automatic) or take out my Sportster, I can be loud and fast and still get 50 mpg's.
Kind of in the same boat - Have been driving a 2006 Honda Civic EX Couple (love it) but the family is growing and a four-door is needed. I was going to trade in for a 2011 4-door Civic, but started to do homework and figured I'd get the Prius instead. Love my Honda & got great mileage, but very much looking forward to everything the Prius has to offer, including amazing MPG! That said I just got the call today from Toyota, the Prius is in and ready for me. Very excited!
I drove an 06 Civic EX. Nice car but a bit low and noisy. I traded it in for a leftover 2010 IV at the end of Feb. It truly is a step up from a civic. I am getting 57mpg in my 52 mile daily commute. The Prius is very quiet and comfortable. I paid $25,400 when they were trying to unload the 2010's for the 2011's 2 weeks before the earth quake.
Join the crowd who did the same as you. I traded my 09 Civic LX 2dr coupe for the 2011. In my opinion the Prius is 10 times the car the Civic was, more features, more comfortable, and much quieter. The good thing about the Civic was its high trade-in value like most Hondas. Going from 38 mpg to 52 mpg is an incredible difference.
The Prius I ordered was "in" the USA but I think the process is still in the 3 week range as I ordered around the 10th of the month. I was told due to the problems that there is to be an increase in the MSRP to around $24,700 I think mine was $24,050 still a chunk of change for me. I liked the Honda for sure but am very impressed with the Prius, not as sporty looking as my Honda Coupe but that's not an issue with me (my wife thinks it butt ugly), still with an 883XL Harley and a mean leather jacket I'll cope. :rockon:
In the same boat also. Traded my 2007 Honda Civic in for my 2011 Prius III. Loved my Honda but I agree the Prius is quieter and gets 12-14 more MPG. I have driven 7,500 miles in the last 9 weeks so I put the miles on. Currently I’m averaging 49MPG and getting better as the temperature rises. It’s funny. I run the A/C and get 56MPG. I thought it would be lower. I really don’t have any complaints. Rick
I just got a notice that my Prius II is in and ready for me. I don't know just when I can arrange to pick it up (almost a worse feeling than waiting) with any luck, I should have it in the next few days.
:rockon: Home, with my New Prius II while just another touch that might kind of aggravate my wife, somehow the Prius allows me much easier access to both my 883XL (Harley) Sportster and my Honda Scooter (CH250) and all three get over 50 mpg's :cheer2: Seems cool enough, cushy ride compared to my Civic, less sporty but at least my first impression are this will be great, comfort wise should we continue to spend a couple weeks in South Padre Island. That's a 22 hour drive we have been doing at least once a year for quite some time now. I'll have to read and play some more, just read a rather in-depth explanation as to the Shift "B" option, this is kind of a rolling pinball machine...I like it.