I'm planning to purchase a new Prius. Trying to decide between solar roof and advanced technology package with 17" wheels.. Which one should I buy?
If you like gadgets, get the technology package. How hot does it get in North Carolina? When I bought my Prius, I too was debating on which one to get. I ended up getting the tech pack because I would use the radar cruise and lane keep assist more than the sun roof and remote AC.
Radar cruise and PCS are far more useful additions to convenience and safety than a solar roof. As a special added bonus, you get much tighter steering, and more stable highway driving (due to wider tires). The drawback is those low profile tires will be a bit bumpier on city streets, and more jarring when you hit a pothole.
I bought my Prius a few months back and I live in NC. It was a 2010 demo car that I got for a really good deal and it has the solar roof. I've enjoyed it thoroughly! I agree that if you like gadgets, go for the tech package, but from what I've noticed around my part of NC is that the solar roof option is very rare. I've only seen one other Prius with it on my daily commute to Durham. I do enjoy the fact that it cools the car automatically on those 80 degree days we have had lately, and the remote AC will come in handy in the summer. Just my two cents.
I too looked at both, and went with the AT. You can always install an aftermarket sunroof (not solar, of course) which I have done, but it is not possible to upgrade to the AT.
When given a choice, always pick the lowest hanging fruit first. It is always more cost effective and more sustainable long term.
The solar roof is a novelty. It shuts off when the electric battery gets down to two cells. Couldn't leave a dog inside safely. Loving the AT pkg! It's amazing! Plus lots of people ask about my Five. It looks different when driving down the road. I was asked if it was a 2012 model the other day.
Only you can answer that question. Do you park outside during the day or do you garage your car at work? Do you tend to take long trips on the freeway? Etc. Wheels can always be upgraded, HID installed, etc., but some things like solar roof and some ATP features can't be installed after the fact.
This is bad information. The solar roof does not use the battery, and in fact is not connected in any way. It shuts down when there is insufficient sunlight or the temperatures are out of bounds. Note that the solar roof draws in outside air. It does not cool this air in any manner. Tom
I have had the V advance tech, V navigation, and VI solar package. If you are looking for safety and gadget the advance tech is it. But, I regretted getting the AT package. The self park is useless since I can park it fast than it can. It was great to show off to friends though, as was the radar cruise control. But, I rarely use cruise and if you don't do road trips it is a waste. The LED headlights are really nice and the only good thing about the V. If you want LED and 17s I would go with the V navigation. You get the back up camera too. My current Prius is the VI and solar package and love it. I like the moon roof and give the cabin a more open feeling. I also like being able to use it on days like today where is it close to 70. The solar panel also helps out in the summer when it is really hot and I don't have to get into a sauna. It is still hot, but better than a Prius with out it. I also changed out my wheels to 17s. So, it looks and handles better. All that I am missing are the LED headlights. Like others have said, it just depends on if you will use the features of the AT or the SP. The choice is yours. I feel the AT isn't worth the money though. Each to their own.
I live in a hot climate and hated the greenhouse effect in my previous car. I found it harder to tolerate as I got older. Frequent short heavy rain showers are common, so leaving the windows "cracked" is problematic. The solar ventilation solves this problem nicely. Mine puts out a nice breeze that ventilates the car. It does not actually cool, but cuts excessive heat build up (So the car is in fact, much cooler than without the option on hot sunny days.) I agree with those who say it is a choice dictated by preference and conditions. Either way, it is a relatively expensive option.
Theoretically you can make a IV/solar into a V/ATP/solar. You just need to pull every ECU and components for the ATP option and put it into the IV. The solar roof can't be put into a V because the roof structure is part of the whole car body. So if you were to pull all the ATP options out of the V and put it in a IV/solar, it would probably cost upwards of 50-60k for everything. But at the end of the day, on paper and to Toyota, the car will still be a IV/solar.
I imagine most buyers of IV/V face this dilemma, with their ultimate decision based on many factors. From financial through practical to aesthetic comparisons that could also involve availability in their chosen color combination. Personally I chose the V with advanced technology over the IV with solar for the following reasons: I preferred the way it handled (17" wheels, wider tires and firmer suspension - the first two can be easily changed of course but needing to do so narrows any financial differences). I preferred the way it looked (though the difference is negligible). I love the radar cruise control. I've always hated standard cruise control because you are continuously forced to change settings to compensate for changes in traffic flow... The radar takes care of this for you from your desired speed down to 26mph and back up again (cruise shuts off at 25mph). I was keen on the LED lights, and they are good though I am a little disappointed that not all exterior lights are LED, just the main headlights. Had expected the full-beams, fogs (which the IV doesn't have) and strip of lights above the main set to also be LED but they are not. Auto-parking. Looked like a great idea, sounded like a great idea but in practicality is not. I can parallel park in spaces much smaller and much faster than the automated system can. This has only came in handy for showing people that said "OMG! You traded your BMW for a Prius???" at which point I find an extremely well marked parking spot (parking lot, not parallel) where there is nobody around and lighting conditions are perfect and let the car park itself while giving a superfluous demonstration that my hands are not influencing the actions of the car in any way whatsoever. I found the color combination I wanted for a price I was prepared to pay.
I think the original description is of the remote air conditioning feature bundled with the solar roof package. Also, even if the battery is full when it's activated, the air conditioning only runs for a few minutes, about 3 minutes according to the owners manual.
If you do a lot of highway driving, the AT package may be useful (DRCC & LKA are nice features although Canada only has the DRCC but I still love the feature). However, the SR package helps with the interior temperature. I parked our 2010 behind our 2005 on the street (2010 is painted in Blue Ribbon Metallic w/ Dark Grey leather and 2005 is painted in Tideland Pearl with Bisque fabric if the colours matter) and the 2005 was much hotter even with the somewhat lighter interior and exterior. The V also has the quicker steering ratio and larger 17" alloys. The foglights round out the exterior look (the blanks look ugly imo. I added OEM foglights to my car). If you're confused, we get both the AT and the SR in Canada but we lose the LED headlights, 17" alloys, LKA and foglights in the process.
Yes, I have the solar roof package and it works well cooling the car on a sunny day, as well as having the option for the venting out the top (venting). Have used the AC option but only when I want to get a head start to cooling the car. I try to park in shade when possible anyway! It only runs a couple of minutes. It's supposed to be used to start the ac to get some cooling when you are going to your car. I
Looks like based on current posting feedback that the ATP wins hands down. I always wished I had a sunroof, but based upon everyone's comments, I think I would defer the sunroof and opt for an ATP. Wow, what a turn-about for me!