The hubcap took most of the visual damage of the wheel, it is in pieces. (yes, they hid that pretty wheel with a hubcap). And if all the insurance has to do is give me another one in the same condition, it will have to be brand new. We have not made the first payment, picked it up off the truck the beginning of April and it only has 2800 miles on it. All I want is a new car, which is exactly what mine was until she ran into me.
Actually ... yours was a used car technically, so theoretically all the insurance company has to do is give you a 'like' vehicle, which would mean a 2011 Prius of the same or better level with around 2800 miles on it, unless of course your insurance has specific wording to the contrary. You can fight it of course, but you against an ins co is a tough fight. Hope all works out as you hope. I still can't believe that car is totalled, but for your sake, if that's what you want, I hope it happens for you. WHen will you know for sure what the status is ? REV REV
Selling a wrecked car is much harder than one not wrecked. Try to trade it in and you'll get screwed. Any reputable dealer won't sell it and it will end up in auction. I've seen issues with hard hits that popped up 6 months or two years later. In my experience I got fair market value for a totaled car. For my '05 Prius I came out a couple grand ahead after buying a new one. Since the other party is at fault it will be cut and dry.
I never post in threads about users getting into accidents, and whatnot. However, I read everything here and must say I am so sorry about your car, bodily harm, and the emotional roller coaster you are going through. Trust me, everything will be okay. Period. Sit back, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and just relax. If possible.. You've got my sincere condolences. You certainly didn't deserve this.
Just a FYI, Insurance companies are not require to use OEM parts in auto accident repairs. The only time OEM parts are used is if a aftermarket (refurbished/like kind) is not available. Given how new the Gen 3 Prius is, I doubt there is much aftermarket repair parts available out there. As for diminished value, you need to look up the law in your state, many states do not allow diminished value in auto accidents.
Exactly .... people generally have no idea what the rules are with regard to their auto insurance. It was posted above that since the Camry was totalled, that they were 'working' or some word like that to total the Prius .... that just makes ZERO sense. Insurance companies go by one rule only ... the cheapest legal and allowed money outlay. Whether one car was totalled or not has absolutely ZERO bearing on whether another is totalled. Insurance companies don't fix cars, they PAY others to fix cars, so it makes absolutely no difference (to them) if a car is totalled or not ... neither one is 'easier'. Easier is the one that costs them the least money. Personally, I still doubt that the Camry was totalled, and would be very surprised if the Prius was too. Of course there could be extensive engine and driveline damage, and that could do it ... if for example the case for the trans or the engine block was ruined. People should realize that insurance companies are out for one entity only .... and that is the insurance company. They can use aftermarket parts, used parts, pretty much whatever they want to, because it's WRITTEN IN YOUR POLICY. They guarantee the work and there's really not a thing you can do about it. REV
Well, it is totaled. The rails were bent, the whole axle, transaxle stuff (she said some specifics but it went over my head and honestly I didn't care once she said "It's gonna total") the motor mount needs to be replaced, along with all the other cosmetic stuff, and they haven't even taken off anything to look in the actual engine to see if things like the drivetrain or any of that is broken. I'm sure they'll salvage it and actually make money off of it, which is honestly fine by me. All I wanted was a brand new car back. We've got an appointment this afternoon at 4:30 with our Toyota dealership (this will be our 7th vehicle purchased from them - lucky #7, right?) to start looking for a new one. This time, I want the solar sunroof! We've got a week or so before we can expect a check to pay off the current one, so I have some time for them to do some hunting and get exactly what I want this round. Good news from the x-rays as well, 6 weeks or so and skeletally speaking we should all be fine. The nerve damage is another issue, but with some physical therapy, my arm should recover okay. I sincerely appreciate the support from you guys. It's nice to have people who understand and can empathize!
Congratulations PP ! Glad you'll get a nice new car out of this terrible ordeal. The hit must have been much worse than it looks in the pics for both cars. Hope you're made whole, and are feeling better !! REV
In my opinion the Camry looked definitely totalled. The Prius couldn't be determined by the picture alone, but based on the force of the collision and where she hit you, I thought they would total it. Glad that is what they did.
Ditto that! We went to Toyota last night, thinking we would have to wait a week or two for the insurance companies to get it all figured out. The driver who hit me only had the very minimum coverage NC allows you to carry, $25k. The sticker price on my car was $28k. After gap, warranty, and rolling in a little bit from the 2005 Prius we traded, the loan came out at $32k. They said since we have gap, we can go ahead and just buy another one and let the insurance and gap work it out. And, they found me another black Three, Nav package with *drumroll* Solar Sunroof! The only smidge of a downside is that I had the new Beige interior and loved it, and this one has the Ash. With kids, it'll probably look better and hide dirt better anyway so it'll be fine. They're bringing it in from the Charlotte area today and it will be ready this evening. The loan on the new one came out almost exactly the same as the one that was just totaled, even with the sunroof package! We went from 2.9% interest to 6.5% though, which is a bummer. I'll be glad to be back in one. I'm on rental car #4 now. The first one I had, a Dodge Caliber, the oil change light came on yesterday morning. So I called to tell them and they asked me to come swap it out. They put me in a gray Corolla, and we got in and the previous driver had ignored the no smoking stickers all over the car. I have asthma, and just couldn't drive that one. So they put us in a gold Corolla. I got halfway home and noticed the tire pressure light was on. I sighed, figured I'd check that, put air in and it'd be okay. Then went to wash a bug off the windshield that splattered right in my sight line, and there was no wiper fluid. I called them again, told them, they said I could bring it back, they'd put fluid in it and check the tires. Fine, but I'd just come from the Chiropractor, was tired, frustrated and just wanted to go home. I told her I'd bring it back when I went back out yesterday afternoon. On the way back out there, I hit a bump in the road, and a hubcap went flying down the highway. I stopped, turned around and went and retrieved the dang thing, knowing if I didn't, they were most likely going to charge me. By the time I got back to Enterprise, the tire was almost completely flat. I walked in carrying the hubcap. They put me in a Civic, which smelled like a smoking lounge, even more than the first one. At that point I was just so frustrated, I let loose on them, told them I couldn't spend another half hour while they tried to find a car that was decent and driveable, I'd keep the Civic and bring it back this morning and she could swap it out. At that time, I didn't plan on getting another Prius right now thinking we'd have to wait on the insurance and all that. Now I don't have to mess with the rental car situation anymore. I can't imagine doing that for several more weeks!
I'm not surprised the Prius is totalled. Massive impact straight through that wheel. Glad you're getting another black Prius and yes, the solar will be good to have with the black exterior. I like black and tan interior too, but the Misty Gray won't be so bad either Sucks about the APR though. I'll never finance a car again, yuck. Wow, I guess the rental cars didn't come from Toyota that's for sure. I've only rented from Toyota dealers lately. Fremont often comes up with a Prius rental same day or very quickly. They are a massive dealer though. Hope you get your car tonight!
I got totaled in CRX, thought I was OK, but started having neck problems. Then the insurance company of the person who crashed into me would not pay what I could prove the car was worth. So I sued for medical coverage and loss of neck turning function which was indeed real and has never totally healed. If I was you I would not settle the liability/medical coverage for a while, till I was sure I had no permanent limitations and if they don't agree, get a lawyer. That is what insurance is for.
When you live in BFE North Carolina, you have to be glad there even is a car rental place. Getting them from Toyota would just be too good! The new APR does suck. We signed on it the last of March when they were doing the special deal on the Prius at 2.9 so we really lost out there. At least the husbands Tundra is still at 0%. We did get a lawyer for the medical bills, especially since the other driver has a no-name insurance company who is very difficult to get ahold of. I don't want to fight to get medical bills paid if I can't even get a return phone call. I was in a very bad accident about 15 years ago when someone hit us and still have medical issues from that. I won't be signing a release anytime soon. I did pick it up the new one tonight! I am so, so thrilled by the sunroof. I really missed having that light airiness like my Firebird t-tops have. I honestly grinned all the way home. I felt a little silly, but I enjoyed it anyway! I was startled by the silence as well. After driving all manner of bad rentals this week, it was so quiet, so easy, so familiar. I couldn't help but grin stupidly! Nothing like driving a Civic to make you appreciate your Prius more. Now she just needs a name!