Last weekend I picked up an Alpine MRP-500 and a 10" type-r to go in my Prius. I got the amp wired up to the power, ground, and remote leads without a hitch. I then proceded to run speaker cable from the right and left doors. After hooking up the sub and reconnecting the battery the system doesn't work. I believe the problem is the wiring connections. I used the red (+) and white (-) wire for the right channel and black (+) and yellow (-) for the left. Did I use the right wires?
Yes, I think you are using the proper wires. If I understand this right, you are feeding your amp using your radio rear speakers output as an input as oppose of using a preamp out. If this is correct what is exactly not working? Does the amp power up and has no audio? Are you using the stock radio or after market? FYI Up to 2009 Prius speaker pinout: Left front speaker (+) - Pink Left front speaker (-) - Violet Right front speaker (+) - Light green Right front speaker (-) - Blue Left rear speaker (+) - Black Left rear speaker (-) - Yellow Right rear speaker (+) - Red Right rear speaker (-) - White
yes the amp powers up and doesn't output anything through the subwoofer. I tried using an rca jack to headphone cable and plugging in my ipod to the rca input on the amp. This didn't work either. Im gonna go out and check the connection from the amp to the sub, maybe the leads inside the box are loose.
I checked the box...seemed fine to me, one more thing im gonna do is go out and plug the speaker wire from the sub directly into the amp (as opposed to going through the box first). Next is to check the input signals in the door panels, really don't want to take them off again tonight so that might have to wait until tomorrow. It seems to me through that since the amp is powered up it should drive the sub when i use my ipod through the rca port.
ugh..still wont work. guess ill just disconnect everything and have the guys at best buy install it. Oh well
Before I do that though is there any chance that the amp isn't getting enough power? im running 4ga wire and 4ga ground but i din't upgrade my negative battery cable to 4ga. not sure if that makes a difference or not. Im gonna go cut the power cable down to size now that I have gotten the amp to come on. Then tomorrow im gonna go in and rewire the speakers to ensure a good connection. The next step is drilling holes in the cargo area to run the wires
Maybe the amp was bad out of the box. Have BB check it first. I recently installed an 8 inch power subwoofer in my truck. As a quick sound test, I connected the amp +/- leads to the head unit +/- connections since I was all ready deep into the dash getting to the radio's subwoofer pre-outs. I had weak sound, muddy bass, and blew fuses when even remotely pushed (radio @ 22 out of 40 volume scale). Later ran + to the battery and - to a chassis ground: MUCH stronger amp performance. Good luck.
I think you have plenty of current, one last thing your could try is to ignore the remote 12VDC for a second and put a jumper between +12VDC and remote. If the amp power up, try the RCA to ipod again. The amp might have a fuse close by the terminal block, check that fuse. As fotomoto said, you maybe dealing with a defective unit all along and the instal has nothing to do it with the amp condition. I would bring the unit back either for a refund or exchange. Hope this help and good luck! :rockon:
In general...Yes I won't run anything less than 4AWG for both positive and negative power wires. THIS is my latest install.
Are you just using the high level inputs on the amp? No high to low converter? Have you made sure your amp settings are correct and the gains are turned up high enough? Sometimes high level inputs are low in signal strength and need to be boosted a bit.
on F8L point, if your amp cannot handle the high level input, you might need to get a converter box like THIS one. Some old amps have a similar device built in but I am not sure about your amp.
OK, I found out that your amp has a speaker level input on a dedicate harness. Is that what you are using? Alpine MRP M500 specs
I had the same issue's on 09 prius, jbl audio, no navigation. I connected everything right and no sound coming out on the subwoofer. I even use the the high or low input on the amp and still no sound. Solution: I use a line out converter and everything works.
Aye. I never use the high level inputs on the amplifier. A converter is the way to go unless you are using a more expensive OEM interface module.
Figured it out guys, my ground wasn't good. Reattached it to the bolt next to the battery. Thanks for the help I still have some fine tuning to do to the system but it sounds really good.
Figured it out guys, my ground wasn't good. Reattached it to the bolt next to the battery. Thanks for the help I still have some fine tuning to do to the system but it sounds really good.