I found this in a discussion about iPhones. PLX Devices makes a little dongle that plugs into an OBDII port and uses WiFi to communicate with software installed on an iPhone/iPod Touch to display all kinds of parameters. Pretty neat. But here's the best thing. They make multifunction gauges using LCDs. Most of their older stuff plugs into a string or daisy chain of actual physical sensors. This appears to be pretty much geared to gear heads and racing enthusiasts, because who wants to go through the hassle of actually mounting sensors and running cables?? Well, they make one that plugs into the OBDII port! Not only can you get information in a numeric display, it can display virtual gauges and real time graphs. Not bad at all. PLX Devices Inc. - Multi Gauges, Single Gauges, Sensor Modules, Wideband Air Fuel Ratio, Data Logging, Fuel Saving / Scan Tools The only bad thing... it costs $399
Ok, I have decided to order the Kiwi WiFi device to use with my iPhone. It's the 'dongle' thingie that uses WiFi to connect to the iPhone/iPod, or even laptop computers. Found it for $150 shipped online. The software - there are three choices. Rev Lite (free), Rev for iPhone ($39.99) and DashCommand ($29.99). I'll get Rev Lite, because, well, you can't beat free! There's a new rev of Rev coming out soon, and the upgrade is free. Looks to have some neat gauge layouts. I will try to do a full review here, with video. This looks like a neat alternative to the ScanGaugeII... and a much prettier display! I'll also see how it works with the phone connected to the iPod adapter, since I have that in my car. I have already found that it will continue to play music while opening other apps on the phone while plugged in, so I don't expect much difference with this device.
Cool! Nice find. :rockon: It has a much better look than the ScanGauge, and a lot of useful features. But... I see no mention of being able to program special readouts like the SG's XGauges. This is where the SG's usefulness is really heightened. At ~2x the SG's price, I'm gonna hold off for a while... a very long while. I am looking forward to your reports/review in the future. :cheer2:
Yeah, it's pretty costly. It DOES have a USB interface so you can tweak things from a computer, but whether or not you can set up custom gauges like the XGauges on the SGII is a good question. I will not be investigating this. Once I get the Kiwi WiFi, I'm going to start with the free Rev software, then weigh as much as I can between the other two, since they both cost money. Then I have to figure out how/where to mount the phone where I can see it, and plug it in. I might have to reroute the iPod adapter cable... I don't know, I'll figure out out and get pictures. I figure I'd like to mount it in landscape and have two 'analog' gauges - one for RPM and one for coolant temperature. Maybe switch between a few... We'll see.