Is that your evidence? One person's post without any description of road conditions or tires other than pressure? I mentioned braking traction as well in case you missed it. So far your conviction seems based on opinion. Since mine is based on opinion and my experiences I will just have to say until you can produce quantifiable evidence against my opinion then I am perfectly justified feeling the way I do about tire pressure. All I wanted was facts and you just seem like you want to argue and support your opinion without facts. I'll have no problem with admitting I am wrong when you can provide something more substantial.
What do you think of this statement from another forum? I think the exact opposite. any views?
LOL I'm currently at 60/58 but I do not seem to be doing much better on mileage so I may bring them back down a bit. I can definately feel a "hardness" difference from 50/48 to 60/58. I'll roll around like this for awhile until the weather becomes steady then I'll drop the pressure backand and see how that works. I'll let you know and try to save you the hastle of going to 60psi. On a side note, I drove around yesterday in my friend's stock 3series BMW and the damn thing rode rougher than my Prius. It rattled less though.
How'd I miss this ... I've been a member several months, but today was the first time I've seen this poll .... Anywhooo ... ... 40 / 38 is where I have our tires set. I tend to check the pressure every week or two -- that's usually 2 or 3 times between fill-ups ... with the exception of occasional lengthy trips, we don't drive very much -- to make sure it hasn't changed too much due to temp changes and such. I'd be willing to go 42 / 40 if it were only up to me ... but my wife has reservations about exceeding the recommended pressure by that much; even though the max sidewall pressure is rated at 44 ....
None noteworthy. It felt like I could glide a little linger but the difference was minimal. I lowered the pressure back down to 42/40 (40psi max) for the comfort factor. I still run 52/50 psi on my 17s though (51psi max)
I have G/Y Assurance Fuel Max tires! I normally run the max. cold pressure of 51 psi. Fe and roll is excellent. I love these skins!!! Of late I am running 38 FT. and 36 Aft. and quite frankly I find the roll and FE just as good as the higher pressures. So I am running at the lower PSI as the ride is much improved. I will keep a close eye on tire wear. With other tires I have found max. cold setting to give best glide , but these tires roll just as well with lower settings. Has anyone else discovered this? Hal
42/40 here with a 5 (17" wheels.) 49.7 MPG displayed average, 45.713 calculated average. (12,400 miles) So not quite a sweet spot, but I get less mpg with less tire pressure.
I'd vote but there is no option! IMHO the sweet spot is 38/42, at least with no load. Keeping rear 2psi lower helps with stability in crosswinds, going above 42 in front sacrifices grip, YMMV
Sidewall on Green Diamond says 35 Max. Tire shop advised against running max, so it's 33 psi all around. Have done forty miles so far in new used car of two days at average mpg 48 (average of 52 dropped after driving up mountain side).
dealership had them inflated at 33 all the way around... went up to 38/36 and flirting with 50 mpg... all highway miles though. gonna go up to 40/38 next time i wash it though... IMHO inflating the tires to these pressure does warrant some common sense when driving in rain or on wet pavement.
I have mine inflated to 42/40 before I did phev conversion I avg 60.4 mpg over 10k miles.Working on first phev tank 105 mpg.
Last month you said it went from 45 to 46.4. Which was it really? But my condolences on your car's lack of mpg gain with the improving weather. Since you first asked in March, my car's mpg (at the pump, not on the MID display), without any tire pressure reduction, has risen from 50.5 to 57.9 due to warmer and drier weather.
That does not surprise me at all. I drove my new 2011 home (80 miles at 65MPH) and got 58MPG at 29/27. It was all over the road and my wife was saying what a bad driver I was. Amazing how the handling improved at 42/40.
moved mine up to 42/40 the other day and set the cruise control to the speed limit on my 66 mile commute to work. Got 61.1 mpg with 97% of that highway miles....