Do you have any not being used? I'll take them. From what I read, other years' models will work too. Let me know what you have.
In case no one does have any for sale, has them cheaper than most places... 2006 Toyota Prius Center cap - Good luck, I hope someone does have some for you!
Yes, I've seen those. I think it's like $40 for all. I'd seen them and thought they looked kinda cheap, like fake shiny chrome type and figured it'd be different with OEMs... perhaps not?
Those are the Gen II OEM 15" wheel center caps (there are no Gen III OEM center caps). They're chromed plastic, but I think they still look great on the car. I doubt very much that they'd look appreciably better if they were chromed metal. Chromed metal is an endangered species. Check out even the luxury brands --- Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar, Lexus, et al --- most, and oftentimes all, of the chrome trim is chromed plastic.
Interesting. Thanks for that info. I just thought the ones from looked cheesy so that's why I hadn't ordered them. Now I know.
I have a 2011 Gen III,try supperhappy-shop on Pay-Pal for center caps,chromed $22.99 inc.ship for 4,they look good on my wheels.
williebill1939 Can I ask you where is this supperhappy-shop you speak of? Thanks or does anyone else know?
Saw some $5 Prius center caps on eBay and seems like a good deal- just do a search for "Prius hubcaps" and they offer them in different colors too- if I recall correctly- worth a look...