My electrical engineer did the work on my 2004 MFD, after the local dealership quoted a $5,000 replacement cost. He says he'd be willing to do the work for others with '04 (and some '05) displays that have these "pin 60" problems: -- screen message that the Air Conditioning is not connected -- Audio Off and the console Power button for stereo ineffective -- No display of outside temperature e-mail me if you're on the EAST COAST and can bring your Prius to suburban Maryland for the repairs. His charge is 1/10th what the dealer wants. :cheer2:
I have a broken MFD in a 2004 Prius and can drive to suburban Maryland. May I find out the name of the electrical engineer, please. Thank you very much.
You can buy a used mfd on Ebay anywhere from 400.00 to 800.00 on ebay with 30 day to 90 day warranty.
Or you can buy a $8 kit from Radioshack that has a soldering iron, desoldering wick, a stand, and some solder and have at it yourself.
Call Steve at Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle PHEV and he will fix your MFD for a reasonable fee. It will require you to remove it and send it to him in Indianapolis and then reinstall it. Any car stereo shop can do the removal/reinstallation for you if you feel that you can't do it yourself using the instructions on Steve's web site. I fixed mine myself using the instructions at: Prius MFD thanks to the Hobbit. JeffD
hello i also live in Rockville and have been dealing with a dead mfd for 4 years. Can i ask the name and phone number of your friend thanks jeff
There is a place called BBA Reman in Taunton MA that can rebuild it for cheap money and give a lifetime warranty.