Brutally Honest: Obama: Drill baby, drill Obama says 'Drill, baby, drill.' Will new oil policy ease gas prices? - Obama is All “Drill Baby Drill” These Days | RedState
TREB, It is kinda bad form to start multiple threads on the same topic, in different sub forums. Just sayin'
Yeah I knew somebody would call me on that but since I put it in FHoPol first, a subscription only forum, I just wanted to make sure I shared with everyone. It's also bad form to put someone down publicly, try a PM next time K? BTW, what say you on Obama's new "Drill Baby Drill" platform? Shoot this will probably get him elected in 2012, don't you think?
I'll believe Obama on drilling when he publicly orders his various regulators to get out of the way of drilling and some drilling actually starts. JeffD
Ehh, it's just a political move. Politicians are masters at it. Granting leases means nothing if the company doesn't actually drill. I thought most of them didn't have much spare generating capacity anyway? Even if they actually drill, it's just a short term fix for a long term problem. Although, the quicker we go through the reserves in the ground, the less long term that problem becomes.
This administration has shown a proficiency to limit economic development viarcrushing regulations, then when face with dire consequences, announce programs (additional drilling in the case) as if he originated the idea, and why didn't anyone else think of it? While it may be "a short term fix for a long term problem" .... we need to use the "gift" of additional time, and address to "long term problem." We cannot, as the politicians say .. "keep kicking the can down the road," as is being done with the national debt, Social Security and Medicare..... not to mention the last congress didn't even pass a budget. Additional exploration - yes; conservation - yes; improved efficiency - yes; alternative fuels - yes; all of which will take time and effort to exploit. Petroleum has been good to us, but we need to act now to develop alternatives, not just pontificate about them as congress seems to do.
Obama is the biggest liar we have ever had as a president, not in terms of biggest lies (yet), as Nixon told the biggest ones, but in terms of quantity. He says one thing and then often does the opposite. Along with his cronies, like Geithner the tax cheat, who says the policies are "continuing to support a strong dollar" while the polcies of spending and borrowing actually make the dollar weaker and increase inflation by, among other things, decreasing the purchasing power of the dollar. So his bull about more drilling is just that..BULL..
Please provide some substantiation to the above,, as opposed to the urban myth. For example, what regulations (chapter and verse please) what benefits have been derived, what crushing blow to economic development can you cite? Icarus
Yeah, that darned Obama. How dare he avert the economic catastrophe the repubs worked so hard at ? As for his domestic production flip-flop: He is well aware how stupid the policy is, but America still is a democracy, and he cannot ignore the calls when they are loud and widespread enough, not matter how moronic they may be.
Don't be ignorant. Demands for "free" healthcare are extremely widespread. Even libertarians do not oppose Medicare or Medicaid too loudly; and when they do, it is always couched as a different free alternative. People with private insurance tend to oppose public healthcare. No similar situation exists with fuel prices. And those same tea-bag lites with private insurance would scream bloody murder if the public subsidy of their health insurance was removed. You DO realize private insurance is heavily subsidized, yes ? I am continually amazed how Rightardants can only identify subsidy when it benefits the other guy.
Drilling off-shore! Chapter and verse? - Every evenings newscast. Crushing development? - Decreasing value of the dollar. Look at the ramifications to the health industry resulting from regulations. (This week, announcements by the May Clinic, and acknowledged by the GAO) When they cannot get laws enacted in congress, the administration governs by regulatioins. The fact is we have a non-functional government (the democratic senate and the republican house). I love "checks and balances" but compromise is required.
Nothing at all to do with using debt to buy our way out of the republican orchestrated recession of the century I know it has been more than 6 months, but *come on.*
I made my above comment before I read this quote. Why limit your comment to people that demand "free healthcare?" Other threads writers want "free" electricity for their EV's; elsewhere there is a demand for "free" food; "free " lodging; "freedom" from paying taxes ............ there is no limit to "free" demands ... but there is a limit to our ability to provide ... most certainly! Our economy will collapse if we, as a nation, continue to spend so far beyond our income and print money without value. We are very near the balance point where the freeloaders will become the majority. They will be able to elect anyone they want .... and guess what the platform will be for that candidate? "The promise of "FREE."
You are barking up the wrong tree. I oppose government run healthcare, in a way that only a physician who has worked in that maze of ineptitude known as the VA can. However, I am not blind; I see the never ending parade of entitlement and abuse Americans support when they perceive themselves the beneficiary. WRT you other statement, you are blinded from ideology and Faux news. Corporations have convinced you to oppose regulation while they continue to have a pass on externality costs. Quite frankly, anybody who cannot see that the weakening of the dollar is the result of deficit spending our way out of the recession is just ... clueless.
Perhaps your reply is a perfect example of why this nation is in serious trouble. The polarization of opinions, left and right, without compromise, is the largest problem we face.