Not much to say, but I went and did this: Figured you guys would all love to flame about how I'm going to get pulled over. ...have at it.
I was very satisfied with how they turned out. Basically, they just did limo all the way around, except, I had them put the limo directly over the existing tint on the back windows. It's damn near impossible to see through them.
Yeah that's hella dangerous... Your other mods look good especially for the blue color. Best looking blue prius I've seen. I can totally see this car dumped on coils now. (Hey and my iPhone is finally starting to correct the spelling for prius, before it'd say proud. Yay!)
I had to add "Prius" as a contact....along with the rest of my rather colorful vocabulary. But yeah, dropping it has been in the back of my mind for while now. It took quite a while for me to get the tint done.
Wow that's dark can you even back up at night with out putting your windows down? How is the paint holding up on your wheels? They look good on the car.
Oh yeah. It's not bad at all for reversing. It's wonderful on the freeway. All those the bright lights (...guilty) don't even make me move my mirrors anymore. Paint on the rims is holding up great. 3 coats of clear coat better not have come off already...
As far as the states I've lived in, and had to drive in for a living, I've not once been hassled on my cars when I've had 35% on the front sides (cops feel safer, making me safer), 20% on the rear (just enough to block a lot of the sunlight as well as most nosey eyes with sticky fingers, and still be able to back down a dark, unfamiliar driveway safely with just the headlights turned off at night), and 5% on rear sides for passenger and cargo privacy. That was both on limos as well as personal vehicles used for delivery. Your mileage may vary (such an apropos pun here!). :wink:
I'm down here in the OC, just got the Prius tinited yesterday, my dog we dying from heat in the back seat ! ! Looks great, enjoy !
Haha, I thought about doing very, very light tint on the front, but decided against it. I'll probably end up just doing a strip of tint on the top.
Here's mine (on right) vs. an even darker one on left, in front of Home Depot. Note that my tail lights are tinted as well.
My autocorrect always changes it from "Prius" to "Primus"...guess that's what I get for liking good tunes...
I've seen a few guys do 75% on the's almost barely noticeable, but the guy who did the tint job on my car has his done and he says it makes a huge difference with HID's in oncoming traffic and what not.