Hi there; I would like to get your guys opinion about the noise of 2010 Prius, I just got my brand new 2010 Prius Premium package in September 2009, after couple months driving, I found that the car making noise after I Park and Power Off the car, usually; it is about 90 seconds to 2 minutes after power off. The noise looks like a "geek" sound, sometimes it is louder, sometimes not. I went back to dealer today and discuss with their mechanics but they said it is normal, isn't it? I used my digital camera to record the noise, if anyone of you interested about what the noise is, please let me know, I will post it or send it to you.
Don't know the particulars of your sounds...but they all "groan" and "click" after powering down. It's normal. Don't know all the sources of the sounds, but suspect some are valves or solenoids opening/closing. Nothing to be concerned about.
Thanks! The hard time is, sometime it is loud, sometime is not. When I drove back to dealer service department this morning, there were no significant noise therefore the mechanic did not do any inspection.
The car makes many odd sounds. The one that really got me was after hours of use, it will make a whirring should. Something about gas vapors or something like that. The thing is, it is a different beast. Don't worry about things too much... it is fully covered under warranty. If something fails it will be covered. Enjoy the ride and welcome!
The noise is normal. it is from microprocessor to reset your battery for furure charging. This noise is normal in all Hybrids; more in Toyata Hybrid!!!!!!!!!
The noise you hear is probably the fuel tank venting through the vapour recovery system. They often whine, moan, sometimes even squeal quietly. When you power down, if you leave the hatch floor off, you will hear the main traction battery relay open (click) immediately. Then, after a short delay, you -may- hear the tank vent (whine, moan, perhaps squeal). After a few minutes, you -may- hear some solenoids click as the system reconfigures. After a few hours you -may- hear more solenoids click and a soft whir as the system tries to purge the canister. It's entertaining to work in the garage when the car is there. I haven't seen the GIII owners manual, but the GII manual has two facing pages, which basically tell you "any noise you hear is normal".
I went down to the garage recently to take out the recycling, and my car made a soft whirring noise. I just thought she was saying "hi"....!
I just opened the passenger door and got something out of the glove box and I heard the whirring noise. Sounds like the explanation is good, it's been a few hours since I drove it.
As one other member has said, paraphrasing from the owner's manual "Any noise the car makes is normal."
After I turn off the car, after a while I will hear noises as well. Sometime longer sometimes shorter. I heard whirring and clicking. I never worried - even my Polo made noises before turning on the engine and a while after turning it off. Other known noises are the brake pump whir when you open the car from the driver's door, and a sort of "rattling" when turning the steering wheel the first time after turning it on and driving off your parking space. The user's manual is pretty clear on page 31-153- saying that the car will make noises also when off. Moreover, from page 22:
Why am I not suprised it is a "geek" sound? I've heard at least 2 sounds: one whirring sound, almost without fail every intitial opening of driver's door (pressurizing something in the brakes), and the 5 hour sound. The latter kind of startled me: the first time I heard it I'd just jacked up the back end, and thought I'd triggered something, LOL. OT: SouthPark, who did a great episode on hybrid vehicles, smug clouds, etc, is having another Candiancentric episode tonight: regarding a Canadian prince and princess wedding, except they look a lot like the couple in a recent British wedding.
My wife asked me on our last rental Prius, whats that sound it makes after I shut it off? I told her they all make that sound, it's normal, it's a Prius Definitely strange after owning non-hybrid car's all our lives, to hear the car talking to us :der: Mike
It's true, they are just happy to see you, I hear MANY strange noises in my 2011, I just talk back to it and thank it .