Has anyone found a way to make the display screen (2010) visible when there is more than just a wee bit of sunlight? With my rather bad eyes, the screen just disappears . . . it would be nice to have some color and brightness . . . suggestions? Thanks.
The dimmer switch isn't going to solve the problem. Through my sunglasses the dissplay at the standard setting is rather dim. Look in the owners manual for the customizable settings. If it is there ask your dealer to change it.
Are your Sunglasses Polarized? Try tipping your head from side to side. If the display dims in one direction but brightens in the other, your out of luck unless you use non-polarized glasses.
I didn't know you had too much sunlight in Seattle . My display is easy to see under all but the brightest lighting conditions in So. California. This makes me think your problem is either a faulty display, your sunglasses, or a combination of the two.
Apparently there is something wrong in our system -- we discovered today that if we turn OFF the headlights completely the screen is much, much brighter . . . BUT the dimmer wheel no longer works. With even parking lights on the screen is very dim BUT the dimmer wheel then works. This seems screwy so we're taking it to our Toyota shop Monday . . .
This is how it is supposed to work. When you have your headlights on it is assumed it is because it is dark enough outside that you don't need your dash lights on at the brightest setting so they are dimmed, but you can dim them further to your liking with the dimmer wheel. With your headlights off it is assumed that it is daytime and your dash lights need to be brighter so that they are visible in the bright daylight and dimmer switch is not necessary. If you turn your headlights on during the daytime for whatever reason your dash lights won't be bright enough (because it assumes it is night time) so you will need to turn the dimmer wheel all the way up and then just a little click more to make them daytime bright. Every single car I have ever had has operated this way.
I have the same problem. (With the headlights off so the dimmer switch is out of the equation), the display is not bright enough even on not so bright days. On a bright sunny day, it is unreadable. Had it to the dealer and he said there was no adjustment for display brightness under that condition. Makes me wonder if I have a defective display since most of you have no problem. I will have to check the next Prius he gets in to see if it is any better. He has not had a new one to sell for about 5 weeks!
OK so this is getting interesting. I know on my Prius III in Canada there is a little light sensor on the dash that is used to determine when the headlights come on, but it is also used to determine when the dash dims. During daytime I can turn my full headlight system on and the dash stays full bright until the sensor determines its dark enough outside to warrant dimming of the dash. At this point I'd maybe see if your sensor at the base of the windshield is is defective. Is it reading the light properly.
I have a US 2011 Prius II which does not have auto headlights. The problem is that full brightness is not bright enough in bright daylight. I think this is the same problem that poster glpfe has.
Can you post some pics? I thought I had this problem as well until I found that the dimmer wheel went further than I thought and actually "Clicks" into place on the brightest selection, which is the same brightness as with the lights off.
Don't get hung up on the "dimmer switch" position. It has no function if the headlights are off. That is when the display is at its brightest. glpfe - I sent you a "Private Message" which you can access in your Welcome Box (which is located in upper right corner) by clicking on "Private Messages".