So.... I was just rearended at a stoplight. The lady that dented Lil Sebastian was very kind and gave me all her info. The damage isn't that bad, her license plate holder had two screws that put dents in the rear fender... do i file? will it increase my premium? should i just buy a body kit??? haha...jk just kind of upset.
You make a claim with her insurance, so it does not affect anything on your insurance. Go to a shop for damage inspection, then either get it fixed or keep the cash. If you want to get cash, make sure their insurance know you want cash.
I disagree. If it's not your fault, let your insurance handle it and your premium won't increase. They will pursue the other party for damages, including car rental coverage. It won't cost your insurance any money. Rear-ended twice in my new Prius too. No premium increase from having my insurance company handle everything.
It won't affect his insurance, or his premiums if the liability is 100% on her, which it is since she rear-ended him. It's just whatever you are comfortable with, if you want to claim through your own insurance, her insurance, or if both parties decide to settle outside of insurance.
Why subject yourself to unnecessary legwork by going through her insurance? Your insurance company has way more leverage in pursuing damages against the other party. They don't like to lose money even more than you do.
I agree with your point, and that is the route I would choose. I just also wanted to point out the other lesser chosen paths. The op may or may not get a call from the other insurance with this option. It is the op's option to decline.
well i filed the claim and have yet to get a call from her insurance company, but she did call me. she said she wanted to settle this without bringing the insurance companies into it, this was a voicemail as I wanted to hear what she wanted before calling her back. She says for me to get an estimate and to let her know what it is and she will write a check out to me... this sounds reasonable, no? any reason I should not go through with this? i do want to help her too and by not filing with the insurance it would keep her premiums low. if she wasnt so nice and didnt have kids in the back it might be a different story, but she has been so cooperative, I kind of want to say thanks. Also, I would rather not get an estimate, its finals week in med school for the next two weeks for me and I just dont have the time. I would need to cancel the claim soon...I guess what I am asking is would it be ok for me to give an estimate to her? I am thinking 150 bucks... I think this sounds reasonable, but I dont know. The screws holding up her front plate went through the paint on the bumper. Each indention/dent is about 1'' in diameter...
My estimate is that she was going less than 5mph...would this have damaged the foam/cushioning/protection behind the bumper?
There's nothing wrong with getting your car fixed and being a nice guy at the same time. This sort of arrangement happens all the time. If you are happy, and it is all the same at the end, then why not? First, take your car to your preferred body shop. Then get an estimate on the damage. If you are worried about the foam cushion, ask the body shop for their opinion. Secondly, it sounds like they can just buff out the bad spots, patch with bondo and repaint. If this doesn't sound good to you, get an estimate for replacing the whole assembly. Present it to the other party. If it is way out of line, then she will probably opt for filing a claim since it will be less than the deductible. The rear foam padding is only $35, and the rear skin is only $200. To get it painted and installed, I estimate no more than $500 total, which is around what most deductibles are. You may wish to include about $30 per day for a rental vehicle. I'm guessing if she is willing to write a check for $1000 to wipe her hands clean, she can be happy and you can perhaps pocket the difference.
Don't take a personal check from her. I wouldn't. If she gives you any trouble, send 'Lil Sebastian to do the heavy lifting! If you don't get certified funds, then let your insurance company handle it.
Almost same exact thing happened to me.......if you look very carefully you can see the imprint of her license plate frame on the bottom of the bumper. I just left it alone. I didn't think it was worth getting the insurance compaany involved.
Ask for Cash to pay them. Or, if you get a personal check, make sure to give it 7-10 days to clear. Better option, ask her if she would meet you at the repair shop and pay them directly.
Just make sure she is 100% at fault. Certain states/provinces have rear end collisions as both parties' fault. In most of Canada the fault can be partitioned however a judge feels. Usually 25%/75%. There have been cases where a goofball brakes hard and unexpectedly causing someone to collide with them. The fault in the one I remember was 75% of the car in front and 25% the car in back.
1 piece of advice, check that your bumper isn't really messed up. When I was rear-ended once, the bumper cover looked totally normal, but underneath the bumper was entirely caved in. BTW, I think the brake lights should go on when we go into B mode so inattentive drivers behind Prii get alerted to the slow-down.
From your post it seems like you are severely misusing B mode. If you are stuck in traffic, you shouldn't be in B mode. ONLY use B mode when descending a long steep slope, like a mountain pass.
Possibly. I've just read the explanation of B mode that is more enlightening than what the first mechanic "expert" assured me years ago.
I was back ended also. It did not look bad until I got a $5700 estimate - the bumper did not look too bad, but the support structure underneath was totalled. The floor was also buckled. I spoke to my insurance company about it, and they said that although my premium would not go up, I would be on the hook for the deductible until they settled with the other insurance company. By going after the other insurance company directly, the repair was paid immediately, in full. BTW, at least around here (Long Island, NY) there is nothing that a body shop will do to a car for less than $500.