[/QUOTE]I feel that Toyota should provide a six-way drivers power seat as an option, if not as standard equipment. What say you guys[/QUOTE] Based on the number of Prius seat complaints, I think Toyota should add the power seat option in future models. The seats in our 05 Prius are totally comfortable for both me and my wife however, so we would skip the power seat option if it was offered. We do have power seats in our Caravan (that now very rarely gets driven) and the only adjustment we use is the one that moves the seat forward or back. I have long legs and my wife doesn't. So it's an unnecessary extra expense for us.
Wow.. a very encouraging and nice post! I didn't notice the seat being bad.. but I wasn't crazy about the rear view.. other than I "did" like the fact that I could see really low... it would be hard to run over a bicycle or small kid behind the car with the lower window view.. but the split between the two is abit large But like you... once I drove the car.. I forgot and didn't care about the rest... I had to have that car! In fact there are many other cars for the price I could consider, but I haven't and won't even go drive them.. I don't want to fall in love with a car I don't want!... does that make sense?... I didn't think so! :lol: Anyways.... It will be too cool to own this technology... anything else is boring now.
Be careful what you wish for. Having more options can make the car more expensive than making half of them standard or in packages. By having more individual options à la domestic manufacturers, you may have more people buying but it'll cost the company more because they would then have to manufacture multiple parts unless they take the cheap way out and install a radioshack switch and call it power windows. Don't forget, resale value will drop too since it's hard to find the car you want with the options you want so people might just say, forget it, I'll get a new one. I do prefer more options but I know it'll be more expensive. Besides, Toyota usually packages things nicely (though not always) so I usually will like everything in their packages. Also, what's odd is the number of complaints about the seats. Toyota is known for having one of the best seats in the industry so having this many complaints is rather unusual. What's more unusual is that Toyota rather give us leather (well, actually you guys since Canada doesn't get the leather option) than more adjustment in the seat and steering wheel.
I'm with Evan -- I think this is probably (with the 2006 addressing other major peeves) the final remaining widespread deficiency with the Prius. I should add -- I myself have no problems with the Prius seats, either in comfort or ease of use. But I'm 5'8". My partner is 5'2", and she would really appreciate the option for power (or manual!) seat height adjustment.
I like to ask, was the Gen0/1 Prius seats more comfortable? Because the story is the Gen2 seats came in because they couldn't justify the Gen0/1 seats based on any real numbers. I challenge Toyota to justify the Gen2 seats they then came up with.
I also think that a six way electric drivers seat would have added to the car. FOr me personally it is not so important but I know it would have added a lot.
Disagree. One way to please everyone in the seat department would have been to make them adjustable like they are in cars half the Prius' price. Thats why they invented adjustable seats in the first place. Even some manual adjustments would be nice, instead the seats are more similar to the 1987 Ford Aerostar van my parents had when I was a kid than any other modern automobile. One of the things I always found weird about the Prius. All this technology, but no auto headlights, no adjustable seating etc
HIDs with auto levelling Anyway, back to topic. Power seats should add about 100kg (don't remember if it's each seat or total).
Likewise. The seats on my 05 Prius seem to be as comfortable as with any other car I've ever owned. Mind you, I have no experience with so-called luxury cars... mine have been on the practical side.
Funny... we get pretty picky about how much things weigh.... I read all these reports about gas mileage, but one factor I never hear anyone include in their reports... How much does the driver weigh?..... :lol: :lol:
Well, I'm 157lb and I get ~47mpg. So that sets your lower bound. And I know there's people that get way better MPG with more caboose, so...
I am 100 lbs. and my best tank was 59.8mpg. On not soo good days I average about 57mpg, but winter is approaching...