Hello: I am planning on purchasing a new car in the next couple of weeks. I am very interested in the Prius but my pricing research is not returning much information. Can anyone guide me on what is the price range for the 2011 Prius II? Color, interior etc... I am open . However, I would be somewhat interested in the rear camera. A friend of my has a 2007 Prius with this feature and it's a great tool.
Welcome. Go and test drive one as soon as you can. You might not have a wide selection to choose from. What is your daily commute like (distance, speed, etc)?
Welcome to PriusChat. Check out Prius pricing at New Cars, Used Cars, Car Reviews and Pricing - Edmunds.com You'll pay at least full sticker, maybe more depending on the dealer. You could also try researching for a used Prius at Toyota Certified Used Vehicles but I don't think you'll find much. Finally, check out Toyota dealer new car inventory at Toyota.com
From the factory, the rear camera is part of the Navigation Option, which is only available on the Prius Three - Five, not on the Two. There are aftermarket options, Amazon.com sells ahttp://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B004J0I19E?tag=priuschatcom-20 Autodim rearview mirror with a built in back-up monitor, other makes are available as well. Depending upon availability, expect to pay anywhere from MSRP up... I checked USAA's buying service (which offered the best price when I bought) and base vehicles (no options) were being offered at MSRP. Options could be added for Invoice Price. So, as an example, say the price of a a Prius Three is $25,000 (MSRP), $24,000 (Invoice) and you wanted to add Navigation, $2000 (MSRP), $1800 (Invoice), the USAA Price for this vehicle would be $26,800. (Numbers are NOT actual and for illustration only) Personally, I'd wait till the factories in Japan are back at full production, which may not happen until the beginning of next year. They have already announced that gas prices could be coming down slightly, even though they took another $0.10 jump this morning. With a break in gas prices and normal supplies, the price will go down. Waiting a few short months could save you a few thousand dollars! To bring the point home, last July when I purchased my Prius, gas was at $2.39 a gallon and dealership had a full inventory of Prii, I paid $3300 below Invoice! Good luck on you search!
Consumer Reports will sell you a detailed report on costs. They also have free car-buying advice both online and in their April issue available in most libraries.
At this point in time pricing research is pretty useless. You will usually pay sticker price if you want one. However I would never purchase an automobile for more than the sticker price, I would walk away first and do without.
This morning's paper reported production is being increased to 70% at Toyota Plants due to quick recovery and availability of parts. They are also saying gas prices should slipp back a bit in the next month or so due to growing supplies and reduced demand. This is all good news, so we may start to see some break in pricing in the next 6-8 weeks!
I think I got lucky buying a 2008 Prius II in almost pristine condition, 30,400 miles from a FORD dealer a week ago today. The comprehensive warranty was gone but still a good bit of the other warranties were left from Toyota. Toyota dealers here are not negotiating prices and used Prius prices are up a few grand as well, but this dealership worked with me and I paid just over $20K. Wish I'd done this 6 months ago - could have saved a few thousand. Oh well. So far so good, am happy with the car.
I bought a 2008 Barcelona Red Prius II with pkg#4 yesterday from the local Honda dealer for $18K. It's got 37,000 miles and looks to be in excellent condition. I am told the prices will go down as soon gas prices head south. I think 6-8 months ago you could lease a 2011 Prius for $280 which currently is almost $400.