I'm beginning to see a pattern on Desperate Housewives. The last three shows have all had a Prius in a scene. It is always a silver Prius. Last week I actually had to put my Tivo into slow motion to see it. Sure eough it was there. Last night it was clearly shown. I will continue to watch for it in future episodes.
One thing that surprised me is that the engine was actually running. At that speed, they could have easily gone by in stealth mode. Although, I'm sure they just started the car up for that scene and it was warming up. Plus, it's more noticeable with the engine running. The big question - whose initiated all this product placement. Is it clever Toyota advertising?
I gotta believe it is the creator or the producers. You know Hollywood is big on the Prius. I was at the Oscars a couple years ago when so many of the stars arrived in the Prius. I really knew nothing about the car at that time but it certainly made me aware of them that night.
My money is on paid product placement. DH is marketed strongly, the best/worst of the cat and mouse with new episodes last year, teasing advertising, cross-marketing on talk shows, etc. I doubt anything happens on that show without a check going to someone.
But, is the Prius something Toyota really needs to market? If they double their production for 2006, would there be any left on the lots? What if they trippled it?
My wife and I were laughing at that. We were watching and I saw it go by through the window. From left to right. She didn't believe me so we rewound the DVR and there it was. In the same scene, not more than two minutes later, it went by again. This time from right to left.
"But, is the Prius something Toyota really needs to market? If they double their production for 2006, would there be any left on the lots? What if they trippled it? " Yes, but even so, they are still advertising HSD heavily, and don't forget the value of "brand marketing" over and above product advertising.
I've definitely been noticing Prii making appearances on quite a few tv shows and movies lately (DH, Charmed, Must Love Dogs, In Her Shoes to name a few), and I'm not sure if it's because I've become more fixated on them recently and just notice them a lot more, or if they're just making more appearances on television and on film.
Maybe the subliminal advertising is sinking in: A tennis outfit clad desperate housewife was in front of me at Starbuck's getting her Chai Latte the other day, her similarly dressed friend ordered one of the Christmas Peppermint drinks. After receiving their orders, they proceeded to climb into the black Prius I spotted earlier. (Yes, I am a stalker.)
BigDaddy, Your story has two leading roles: the tennis-outfit clad housewife and the Prius. I'm still trying to decide which one you were stalking. Personally, I can go either way.