Dose anyone have a dark gray prius with a 50 front window tint and a limo tint in the back if so post pics plz
50% tint? why only 50? legal here in Indiana is 35% and on just about every car I've had has been done at 20%. does your state only allow 50% on the front door glass but say you can use 'limo tint' on the back doors and rear glass? we did 35% on our Blue Ribbon Prius and well, it's pretty dark.....about as dark as I want it. can't imagine doing 20 like I have on my white Charger. FYI: 50% tint means that 50% of the light is allowed to pass through. 35% tint means that 35% of the light is allowed to pass, so it will be darker than 50%. 20% is even darker than 35 and so on.
That's just for the front windows. It's illegal to go below 70% on the front side windows in California, but you can pretty much get away with 50%. Bear in mind the factory glass is already tinted ~75% in the glass, so your 35% is more like ~25%.
Yea live Im moving to Ohio and their law is 50% tint for the front windows so if i went with like 35% i would have to take it off if they caught me.