Well, I have to share this… Something finally happened with my 04 Prius that just rolled 40,000 miles. The touch screen functionality gave out. Yup, just one day out of the blue I stopped to grab a bite to eat and when I came back, powered up the mini SGI ;-} I noticed right away that I couldn’t switch to my “Energy†screen. I could switch screens via the buttons, but any touch screen input just simply didn’t work. I could still crank on the radio, turn on the A/C via steering wheel buttons etc. I powered the car down, waited about a minute and started back-up, still no dice. Then I started thinking, ( which is dangerous in itself! ) I had installed XM radio 3 months prior and thought that maybe the XM satellite receiver was on the fritz constantly sending a bad signal to the unit, even though I could tune to any XM channel without a problem. I ended up driving to my Toyota dealership hoping that the extended warrantee covered the screen. AND Yes, I did get jacked on the extended warrantee. I paid $2,100 for 76,000/5 year… Honestly, I usually don’t get suckered like that but I was caught up in the excitement of getting my 04 Prius in October 2003. Back. The good news is, the touch screen video unit is covered but they had to order one. Later on that night when I pulled into the garage, I could finally see what the problem was. There is a tiny hairline crack that pretty much starts from the lower left hand corner of the screen working it’s way to the upper left hand corner. I couldn’t see this during the day, too bright. Even though the screen still looks ok, this must break the touch screen ability. I’m not too sure how touch screens work ( should research for fun ) but my guess is a touch screen must have a panel that overlays the actual display screen that has an electrical current or signal going through it and when you push down, changes the electrical current signaling an input. Something like that. Anyhow, I’m not upset @ all, Caprella ( yeah that’s her name ) cranks on and coming this Monday will have a new screen installed. I’m just hoping that the dealership doesn’t get mad over the XM install even though it is just one extra cable to click in the back. Heck, the XM receiver has Toyota ( Pioneer ) stamped all over it not to mention I took 4 hours to do the install slowly and carefully. It almost looks professional lol. Peace!
actually touch screens can be disabled if the crack actually breaks the circuit. now dont bash me for technical errors but the way the touch screen works is that there pad that lies over a "live board that has a current running through it. when you touch the screen the pad "ground out a part of the screen and its location is sent to the computer. if the location corresponds to an x-y coordinate that has a program command or button attached to it, then the command is carried out. only one touch at a time can be processed (however like hot key combos, there are exceptions i believe) so if the screen is cracked, its likely that the screen is not working because it detects a currenet or existing "touch"
I'll just about guarantee they'll never notice the XM radio since it's connected to the stereo head unit and not the MFD. Also, even if they see it the chances that anyone would have a clue that it isn't supposed to be there is near zero. It's an OEM product that has an OEM plug that sits next to several other OEM plugs. Finally, the XM has nothing to do with a crack in the MFD or anything else to do with the MFD functionality so it shouldn't make a bit of difference to them even if you went in, pointed to the plug and told them what it was. Glad you were able to confirm MFD coverage on the extended warranty, sorry you got hosed on the cost. The good news is that you've made up a large part of what you paid already just getting the MFD replaced.
From what I could tell after doing a search there have been other MFD failures. How common is this? Are these problems confined to 2004 or do they persist in 2005 models? Also, are they related to climate or temperature extremes? Where are you located and do owners in very cold, humid, dry, or hot climates have more problems?
Ahh, yes. I wanted to mention this I live in the desert, hot dry desert. That’s the funny thing to me. Of course, as history would have it we had yet another record heat last summer. For almost a week straight my poor car was sitting in direct sun, parked while I slaved away for the man. The ambient temperature that whole week was 114F! You can imagine what the inside cab felt like, though I didn’t measure. I do use sun-shades and after a while started parking about 2 blocks away from the ‘work’ place just to get a little shade from our pathetic desert trees. I was extremely worried about my MFD and the heat but never had a problem. When the crack occurred it was about 82F out & cloudy. Go figure! Maybe my MFD was so used to the 114F+ temperature and it just couldn’t handle the fact that is was *cold* out; 82F and freaked out just had to crack:->. lol joking of course I also wanted to say thanks “efusco†for your comments on the XM radio bit. It is an OEM product and looks like it’s part of the car, I mean the cable and all. The reason why I was a little worried is I have the package #7, no NAV unit so I figured that I just might get that tech that has 2+ brain cells and knows that only 3 cables should plug back into the unit and not four; BUT like you said they are most likely not going to notice. Oh yeah, I also thought they would blame my XM install of cracking the screen which could happen if you are not careful but the fact is, I think we all pamper our Prius’s PLUS I was trying to make a video of the install so I taped myself taking the dash apart, installing, putting back together and showing off the final product so I have proof that my screen was working after the install;-).
I have vague memory of similar reports of cracks in MFD. I think it had to do with temperature changes but am not as sure about the latter.
Maybe the desert and Canadian folks are getting the cracked MFD(???). I know what it's like in the desert -- I lived in Vegas for over a decade and the interior temps can be well over 160-170 degrees. I had an old Celica and the plastic trim around the shifting boot melted one day. It looked like a piece of ribbon candy. The MFD has to be suffering.... Thanks, hdrygas. I hope the problems have been ironed out. Someone quoted a cost of $4K to replace that unit. That can't be right.
If it has to do with temperature change, that would explain why living in the desert would aggravate the problem. With the low humidity I think that you would have rapid, radical swings in temperature, just from day to night. I live real close to the ocean, and we have very mild weather and mild weather changes, partly due to the humidity (and also the moderating effect of very little change in water temperature, of course). -Roger
MFD replaced and functional I’m a happy camper now. The invoice shows a total of $424.00 for the MFD but I noticed on the tech paper work ( which I do not have a copy of ) that it said refurb. I can’t tell if the MFD is brand new or not. It looks new to me and did have the anti-scratch plastic peel off cover. Oh yeah, this was covered under my extended warrantee. The other thing I thought was cool is the actual MFD is made by Eclipse ( by Fujutsu Ten ), I purchased an Eclipse deck for my 98 Honda ( I know I said Honda here ) which is still rock solid! They are the best decks used for competition and have extremely low distortion. I didn’t buy it for competition but for the sound quality Eclipse. With my plain’ol ears, switching between any other deck and back to the Eclipse with the same audio CD I could hear a huge difference. Plus the E.S.N., Electronic Security Network is pretty cool. My Honda ended up getting broken into while I was at work and the punks took everything! Eclipse replaced my deck within 10 days. OK I am sounding like a commercial here!! My whole point is, I wonder if my previous MFD was made by Eclipse or not? It least I know what I have now and know that Toyota didn’t cheap out on the display.
Hey, thanks for the quick update -- mucho appreciated. I can live with a $424 refurb if it blows after warranty. Maybe you could call them back and source the paperwork or someone who could tell you about the original one that pooped out. In any event, thanks a bunch. This puts me at ease.
Maybe not a change in the temp. but rather direct sunlight. It was stated that the crack was at the lower left. Maybe people who live in desert areas and leave thier cars in direct sunlight should use a hood for the MFD and (or) windshield cover.
$424 plus probably a few hundred for installation...very very reasonable. more than a bit surprised. me?? probably wont be any refurbs around and i would get stuck with the shiny new $1500 model
Oh boy, trust me, I use my reflective shades all the time If you don't the steering wheel is so darn hot, it'll burn your hands! You know what, the more I think about it, the more I really wonder why the heck do I live in this place?.? Hmm, I wonder if Toyota thought about installing a thermo activated, automated variable speed muffin fan within the MFD harness…
True. I was just worried that my warrantee wouldn’t cover it but not a problem. The labor charge was $50 for one hour but this would probably differ depending on how the tech wants to swing or how pissed he/she is that day. lol
Hey, one hour is okay -- maybe owners can plan for this when they get high miles. Get a refurb and DIY.... Do you have a dash cover? I got mine from dashhugger.com when in Vegas (VW Golf) and it was really nice. It'll cool your dash a lot to give that MFD a break BUT I'm not sure if they have one for the Prius. Might be worth a call.
The first two things I did after I bought the Prius, 1) Installed low gloss, as dark as I can legally go tinting 2) Ordered a dashmat I'll have to see who the place who installed my tint ordered the dash mat from but it was just crappy as hell. Didn't really line up with anything and didn't have a cut out for the sun sensor on the dash. The folds around the MFD made it look all fisher-price. I tried for a couple hours with double stickey tape but no way in hell. Oh yeah, the color was like a tan to match the inside interior but there was this crazy reflection that made it hard to see at times. I ended up ripping it out and giving it to my friend when he baught his 04 Prius pkg 9. I told him it's the best and he would love it! The next day I come home and the thing is sitting in my driveway with a tire mark over it. The funny thing is, when you remove this dashmat, there were all these little sparkly "thingies" that just blew all over the inside of the car making a mess. I guess you can call it my $45 joke.