I have a 2010 Prius III. I have tried to download my phone book from a Samsung Intensity II(Verizon), but have been unsuccessful.It times out, or is almost like my phone has a security feature that will not allow it's phone book to be downloaded. Any directions would be appreciated.
So I empathize. I have a 2011 Prius with Bluetooth and struggled to get my AT&T Captivate (Samsung Galaxy S) phone book transferred to the car contact list. I discovered I had three “kinds†of contacts on my phone: Exchange-synced contacts (perhaps 300), Gmail contacts (only 4), and “phone-only†contacts that were all “ATT Nowâ€, “ATT Voicedialâ€, type contacts. I didn’t know I had “kinds†of contacts until I went through the transfer process! My first attempt: Choose “transfer contacts†on the car, select “replace existing contacts†on the car, then approve the request to transfer on the phone (on the notification bar). Result: the Gmail and “phone-only†contacts came down fine, but not one of the Exchange contacts transferred. Of course, it was the 300 Exchange contacts that I really wanted. I tried exporting my contact list on the phone to a “.vcf†file on the phone’s SD card. I used a Bluetooth file transfer utility on the phone to transmit the file to the car - but never figured out how to get the car into a mode whereby it would accept the transfer. The idea that worked: Choose “transfer contacts†on the car, select “Add contacts†on the car, and the car screen will wait indefinitely for a transfer. On the phone, open the Android contact app, and use the menu button to select the “Import/Export†option. On the phone, choose “Send namecard viaâ€. The phone will show a list of all your contacts, regardless of “kindâ€. You can manually select only those contacts to transfer, or choose “Select All†at the top of the list. Choose “Send†on the phone after all your selections are made. On the next phone screen, choose “Complete action using: Bluetoothâ€. Finally, select your car link (e.g., Car Multimedia) on the next phone screen. Voila, the contacts slowly transfer to the car. (Progress is shown in the phone’s notification area.) I love the responses on some forums where people assume “you must be doing something wrong…â€. I think the number of options and configurations for phones and contact lists is enormous. Just because it worked for one person doesn’t mean everybody else is doing it wrong.
Have you gotten your Verizon Samsung Intensity to work? I have exactly the same phone and can't get to transfer phone book. It just failed and I am very upset. THanks for your help.
This is weird. My wife just got a new Samsung Intensity II from Verizon last week. My wife and I both have 2010 Prii with NAV systems and I was able to load the contacts from her Intensity II into both cars. Hmmmmm.... I wonder if this means that the OS of the Intensity II has been updated. The system information for her phone is : S/W: V.u460.Dj11 PRL: V.52294 ERI V. 5 Browser V. Media Center V.3.1.5 Hope this helps.
I had to put each entry in one by one. I never was able to download the entire phone book. I think it was a Verizon safety feature for personal information as it was mentioned.
I could not get my Samsung to transfer after many attempts. I took the SIM card and put it in an older Blackberry. It paired and transferred immediately. I then put the card back in the Samsung and it has "kept" the contacts. Go figure!