I just received my new electronic shifter switch today and of course the instructions are in Japanese. Does anyone have the English instructions? From the photos it looks pretty easy to do.
They might have an electronic form on their website(pdf). You can then use google translate to translate. Just an idea...
I saw a full set of instructions (with pictures) somewhere on the web. I suggest you use Google to find them. Good Luck
I did some searching but no such luck. I just need to know how to remove the current shifting unit correctly. The new one just plugs in to the existing connector.
I've been reading and lurking so this is my first post...and the system will not allow me insert a link. Go to the incredible thread by HawaiianBuilt in "accessories and modifications" .... "jdm-japanese-vip-styling-my-prius-iii-build", then jump to page 44, post 439. He goes through it step-by-step. Where did you order electronic shifter from, I'd like to buy one for my Prius.
Here is the site I used: [email protected] I told him what i wanted and he had it shipped to me. He sent me an invoice and I paid using PayPal. That is the easy way to do it since the they have to send to an Japanese address first before you get it. The cost is about $202 for everything including shipping etc. I will try the site you suggested and see if that gives me the install instructions. Thanks
Post some pics and your impressions after you get it installed. I'm very intersted in doing this as well.
Follow the pics from Rodney. Installation is really easy. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...panese-vip-styling-my-prius-iii-build-44.html
I was able to install it. I just had to remove 3 nuts to get the manual shift unit out. Here is a photo after the new one was installed.
With the shifter out, it might be a good time to install an LED light and on/off switch to illuminate the bottom storage tray. Just a thought.
Has anyone ever found an electronic shifter yet with the buttons in the correct position for us here in the U.S.?