So first trip is tomorrow, Phx to Disneyland. Any advice on the best way to handle the climbing portions of the trip? Keep it in the econ portion of the bar? Just floor it up the hill? Should I use the b mode while going down or just glide down? So many options. I'm just looking for the best mix of mileage and performance. Thanks in advance.
I agree with Saph - set the cruise at the speed limit, stay out of the fast lane, and enjoy the scenery! It won't net you the best mileage but for the first trip, enjoy the ride.
You can use B mode if you'll be braking a lot on a long mountain downhill, for the friction brakes' sake. If you see the battery is about full and you're on a long downhill with more regen braking ahead, use that A/C for your hot southern weather, you're getting it "for free".
Made it! Set cruise to the speed limit and then glided on most down slopes. 49.5 MPG on the screen. For what I have calculated manually that is 48 for my car; nice. BTW - What is the max number of bars on the SOC? Does the top ever get a bar?
Max is 8 bars. To top out, you generally need to regenerate down a hill that is long and steep enough. In ordinary circumstances it should never top out on level ground, as it keeps some headroom in reserve for those mountain descents.
It is done! Round trip from Phx to Disneyland...50.9 on the screen. Calculated was 49.5. I did the speed limit on all the highways and used the cruise when there was space. Thanks for the this car.
Did almost the same trip a week ago, also cruise control and set to speed limits. Santa Monica to Phoenix and back 50.8 Round trip on the screen. I guess we drive the same.....