I heard some Prius buyers receive questionnaires about the purchase / sales experience. Not interested in that. How many survey questionnaires did you receive either by email, phone or mail, to rate your satisfaction with many aspects of your 3rd gen Prius? Typically you answer a bunch of questions, from 1 to 5 (dissatisfied to completely satisfied) This could be from a 3rd party marketing company. If you've only had the car less than a month or bought it used private party I could see where you might not get a survey. Thanks.
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, but I've had my Prius for a year and I've never received a survey; not from Toyota or from 3rd party marketers.
Sorry to hear that. I'm speaking of a questionnaire in your email or by mail, asking about your satisfaction with aspects of your car - i.e. How do you feel about the interior styling, exterior, driveability, etc .... usually scale of 1 to 5, dissatisfied to completely satisfied. Usually from a marketing research company. Often they say you've been entered in a contest along with 100k others to win a prize.
I received a survey by email on the purchase experience but none on satisfaction with the car itself.
I have been buying and driving Toyotas since 1984 and Never once have I received any type of questioneer.
I received a phone call less than a week after I signed the papers to purchase my car... I interrupted and explained I hadn't even taken delivery yet, and they didn't continue the survey, and also never called back. Later, I received a letter in the mail from "Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc." directing me to take a survey online. I did. This was at www.toyotaopinion.com, and had a userid/password to enable me to take the survey (and as I recall, it knew exactly what vehicle I'd purchased). It was just a general questionnaire about the sales process and my satisfaction, at least some of the questions were about how satisfied I was with the dealership. No questionnaires about the car itself, though.
damn your dealers suck. I got at least 4 including toyota north america via snail mails, emails to take the surveys online. I got lazy and didn't complete any. part of the survey includes only the car itself. my dealer even invited me to their new owners appreciation party twice. I didn't go because I couldn't get the time off to go.
I got one on the sales experience from the dealer and another about my satisfaction with the Prius itself. It was similar to what Gary in NY describes. Tom G.
In first four months I got one from Toyota which I filled out, and two from independent survey companies, which I didn't.
Thanks for chiming in everyone. My turn. I think I got a phone call about the sales experience after purchasing the Accord. After a month came a marketing survey in my email box regarding satisfaction with the car. Forgot company's name, but it was for Accord. I got another one after 2 months. At 3 1/2 months, I got one in the mail, different company, and it was long, like 8 pages. I filled it out. So, Honda surveyed the crap out of me about this Accord. I was just wondering how much data Toyota collects and how they get input on customer satisfaction.
It seems to me that after the marketing nightmare Toyota had with the "alleged" SUA and Prius brake delay issues that they would have wanted to follow Honda's lead and asked for more customer's input on satisfaction. I also have a 2007 Honda Accord and can tell you that Toyota can definitely take some lessons from Honda when it comes to customer satisfaction. I have been 10 times more satisfied with Honda's overall customer satisfaction culture than I have with Toyota. This is both with the local dealership and with corporate Honda. Honda corporate agreed to replace a door lock actuator under warranty even though the warranty had expired. Even though this is a low cost item I was still impressed with them agreeing to do this.