56.2 to be specific. . Picked up my new 2011 today in Hollywood CA and drove home to Vegas. With the air conditioner running and a strong desert cross wind I got 56.2 mpg...I love this car. This is my first Prius so I attribute the mileage to this site because I already knew how to pulse and glide from reading before picking up the car.
Geek. The display generally reads about 5-6% generous but still very good. Let us know how the first tank goes. Enjoy
Thanks Mike! Spider, I'll definitely report on first tank but DH will be driving it too and he isn't psyched about maximizing mileage like I am. I'd love to be able to separate our mileage results but don't know how so until I convince him to pulse and glide and anticipate stops I expect mileage to be <50 on a regular basis.
Since Vegas is slightly uphill from your origin, I'd say that is pretty good, especially on your first trip. The only way I can think of to track mileage and fuel consumption separately is to reset the trip meter each time and log the numbers down by hand. Then you have to do a weighted average to come up with your MPG. I'm sure a tech-geek can figure it out I keep Trip A as my overall tank mpg and reset after each fill-up. I reset Trip B before each round-trip commute.
When your partner just wants to "get there safely" I suggest concentrating on the Free Money from anticipation and buffering.
Here's how I would do it. This is imperfect, and mildly complicated (though perfect for anyone dorkily interested in their mileage), but it would eliminate your husband (DH=da hubby?) from the equation since he doesn't sound too interested in tracking all of it. Won't have to worry about him forgetting to write it down and messing everything up! Starting next fill-up and all subsequent ones, reset trip A at fueling. Record only your miles driven per the odometer (end miles - start miles) and also your mpg (reset the consumption screen whenever you get in the car). In the first two columns have miles, then mpg. You should automatically take away 6% from the mpg figure in this column and use that new number instead, since the car overstates (herein lies the imperfection, but what can ya do). Then in a third column divide miles by altered mpg to give you gallons used (so 30 miles driven at 60 mpg = 0.5 gallons). I would keep a lot of the decimals you'll get, because... When you fill up, add up total miles in the first column. Also add up total gallons used in the third column. Total mpg will be worthless, it can't be calculated by adding like that. Divide miles by gallons, get mpg for yourself! If you want to calculate your husband's, too, just subtract your miles driven from Trip A miles at fuelup to find your husband's miles, then subtract your gallons from total gallons on the receipt to find his gallons used, and divide for *approximate* mpg.
There were about 4 months during our first year of Prius ownership my wife and I agreed that she would only drive the other car. The damage she was causing to my tank results was just causing too much angst in the family. That phase passes. Nowadays she still hears about fuel economy way more than she would volunteer for, but the anguished screams have died down.
Perfect! I ordered the ScanGauge II last Thursday, should be here on Tuesday. And yes DH = Dear Hubby or when he's not acting Dear, Da Hubby will work just fine
Congrats on some awesome mileage and your new Prius. Hope you continue to love the high MPGs, technology and low emissions.
We had our Prius nearly 2 years. We purchased May 17, 2009. With over 48,000 miles the lowest mpg's calculated, was around 40.8, the best was well over 58 mpg, calculated of course. The computer reads between 2.5 to 3.5 mpg in the positive. If your getting 56 mpg indicated you are well over 50 mpg calculated. Overall we are satisfied with the Prius, and my wife, who drives the car 90% of the time, loves it. She still enjoys driving it like it was a brand new car. Congratulations on your new Prius. You will love it...... alfon
Can you please explain what the pulse and glide is Thanks in advance, I'm only a PE teacher and know nothing bout this, lol