O.K. I have been used to driving 4WD vehicles for decades and have driven and loved a Dodge Dakota for the past 8 years. It has been a tremendous vehicle as I tow things and haul stuff but it is getting up there in miles and I am going to keep it at the cabin for hauling, etc. It does average 15 mpg however so it is time to cut the umbilical hose. I have been interested in the Prius for some time but couldn't justify it until now and using the info found on this site, I found a dealer who is offering a 2010 IV w/o nav for $24,138. My wife and I drove it a couple days ago and we both really liked it so we made a deposit on it. Today, we have 2-4 inches of snow headed our way and I am starting to get cold feet. I have read varying experiences of snow handling abilities and just want someone to tell me that everything will be all right. We are supposed to pick it up tomorrow night....right after the snow hits. I suppose snow tires are going to be on my Christmas wish list....
Along with a lift kit and a winch! Just kidding! I'm sure it will do fine, there are many Prius owners here who live in the Great White North and I've read many a post with accounts of how well they do handle snow and ice. I'm sure a good set of snow tires will help tremendously though... BTW, Welcome to the Forum!
I'm a little worried why you title your post "reservers remorse"? The Prius isn't going to be a 4WD vehicle. It's not going to compare to a Dodge Dakota or any 4WD truck or SUV...it's a different animal. I think with snow tires and careful driving it's capable of being used in various degrees of winter driving...as are most vehicles... But if you are already having remorse..at just the idea of an approaching snow storm, then why keep your Dakota at 'The Cabin"? You may NOT be reaching the ideal of harmony between man, nature and machine championed by many Prius enthusiasts....but keeping a Prius and a Dodge Dakota is not illegal. Infact, for me the ideal is having an efficient vehicle for 95% or more of my everyday driving..and a specific tool vehicle for the weekends or when I need to haul things. Even if it means I might be burning a significant amount of fossil fuel on a weekend...or in your case when a snow storm hits... I'd embrace The Prius...you may find your comfort level in using it is much higher than you expect with snow tires and some care... But I'd also keep the Dakota...with the idea that I'd be using it much, much less. If the snow get's really, really deep...it's nice to be able to keep the new car parked...and take the old one out into the danger....
Ya gotta love a logical, rational and well thought out answer. :thumb: After reading that Id buy a used 4x4 if I could afford to.
I'm over here in Green Bay and have been through one winter with my 2010 III. I've found that my Prius in ECO mode is much better in snow than any other front wheel drive I've owned. The power comes on in such a linear fashion that you have to really work to spin the tires. I can see your concern after having 4wd, I had a Subaru with AWD and it was a hoot in snow. However, the fuel mileage was abysmal. My soon to be ex's Mazda 3 had to be pushed from almost every stop sign (exaggeration); she has one hell of a heavy foot. The only time it's a problem is if you're dragging the front spoiler. PS How's that old guy workin' out for ya?
I know, I'm just being a baby. I can't keep the Dodge at home as we live in a townhouse and they frown on storing vehicles in the street, otherwise, that would be ideal. I'm excited to pick it up...an early Christmas present.
You're thinking wisely with the potential purchase of winter tyres. It's not going to perform like a 4WD vehicle but it handles fine for a FWD vehicle. Ground clearance (which I thought was low at first) is actually mid-pack. Someone here listed a bunch of cars and their ground clearance and the Prius, surprisingly, wasn't the lowest. This is also why you have two vehicles. You have each of them do the job that they were designed to do =).
Winter is almost over now and I survived another one. I did cheat and kept the truck nearby and used it on a handful of occasions but it was the 4th snowiest winter ever. Next year I'm going cold turkey and parking the truck up north. I have no remorse. I love this car!!!
Almost is the operative word. Ugh. With mornings just above freezing and a trace bit of snow, the grille-blocking hasn't been entirely removed yet. Fortunately, the lakes are now open and I've been out biking. 11 winters of driving a Prius in Minnesota for me. No truck ever for me, so it wasn't much of a transition anyway. Though, it was odd driving past SUVs in the ditch back when people believed they were safer. .