My New Slogan "Prius, Being green is cool !" I was pumping gas the other day and the guy next to me had one those full size trucks, he spent $80.00 bucks to fill, i spent $36.00 to fill, all i could do was smile at him, But you all know what i was thinking.....
Yesterday, I was in Manhattan at a stop light. Another non-hybrid driver honked at me and asked about MPG. My Prius is 5 years old already and it still gets attention. I don't mind talking about MPG at all!
I still like the vehicle, all of my friends and family still tease me about it.. despite the gas prices....
ive gotten 4 random people yelling wonderful things at me (homo twice, fag twice, queer, and hippy). i'm married and have a kid so i think the first 3 are inaccurate....certainly don't fit into the hippy category either. however none of them would get out of the car and explain their statements when i requested them to do so. even with the ignorance of others, i still enjoy driving my prius.
You said it right, ignorance , I figure those how call us those words are just that, which really is a shame.
Never really been teased, but the ignorance towards the technology is astounding... "Such a complex car has got to take a hit in reliability" "What do you do when your battery dies and it costs $8k to replace it" "What? There must be clutches to switch between electric and gas mode. Won't they wear out?" yada...yada...yada...