I found a route my car loves today. I had to drive across town to go to the movie Zathura (which BTW was a lot of fun to watch!), and my route took me through our downtown. For a mile or two the lights are all synchronized there, and the speed limit is about 35, although no one really can exceed 30 if they don't want to keep stopping. That's the speed the traffic flow goes, as they know they can't beat the synchronized lights. So, perfect stealth mode conditions. I glided silently through town, completely on electric power, never stopping. Between that segment, and the entry and exit of that area, I had a maxed-out 100 MPG bar for a 5-minute spread where the car never stopped. I think an adjoining 5-minute bar showed 75 MPG, but I can't say I didn't stop during that segment. I have 150 miles on my tank, and I just kept watching the average MPG click up and up and up. It was way cool... B) Unfortunately, that movie theatre is about the only thing that would get me to drive across town, so I won't be able to enjoy the route. Bummer... Tell us about your favorite patch of pavement!
I've had 100MPG over 5 minute intervals lots of times. I've even had a few in a row, and those too were surrounded by 75mpg bars. Most of the time, I'll get these once I get off the highway and am moving slower around town.
I've gotten them before too, but never during a time when my car was moving non-stop for the whole time period on a public street. Usually it's when I'm waiting at a drive-thru for my meal. :lol:
for those of you in seattle, i recommend airport way that runs parallel to i-5. i take that route when my car needs a boost in the ego.
Well... this might be cheating. But Evergreen Road from 526 into downtown Everett WA is a downgrade. Lots of lights. I drove a rental Prius about 6 miles in stop and go w/o using gas. Hope to break my record when my car shows up!
the Carpenter Road stretch is great but i like Mullen Road from Ruddell Road past Carpenter to Marvin Road. also in Olympia/Lacey. obtw, the reason i like Mullen Road is 35 mph and no stops or lights until you hit Meridian Road which is a mile and ½ past Marvin
I get great gas mileage when circling at the airport. Speed limit is 20 mph or something and I just coast. I don't usually circle - I'd rather wait someplace for the call that the plane is on the ground - but if I do I am rewarded nicely! My husband isn't as excited as me when he gets in the car and hears "look at how may bars I got waiting for you!" I guess if I waited until AFTER kissing him hello he might be more impressed ; )
In Massachusetts I like rt. 20 going into Boston on the weekends. Traffic is nice and light, limit is somewhere between 35 and 45 mph... some nice rolling hills.