Because dealers have complaining to Toyota about being undercut. Troy's dealership has already been contacted by the regional manager. If he loses the ability to offer the plan at a substantial discount, everyone loses. I know, it is probably illegal to take away his ability to sell the plans at deeply cut prices, however, it takes very deep pockets to protect the right to do so in the court system and he works for a relatively small dealership. What is the big deal? I completed the entire transaction with him in three email messages.
FYI - Durring my meeting I was very calm, but extreemly firm and steadfast in my approach. There were no swear words uttered on either side or name calling. I simply told him how dissapointed I was in him and with his dealership - I basically spoke to him in as condesending a manner as possible as though he was a naughty child, the whole time stressing the facts and his dishonesty. I'm 35 years old and he was probably my age if not a little younger and I could feel him squirming in his chair - it was uncomfortable and unpleasant but it had to be done. 2 other finance guys from the dealership tried to enter into the conversation durring our meeting and I politely told them to leave and not interupt me. By the end of it all they new I was angry and upset and rightly so. This web site and it's offer was not mentioned at all so I expect no reprecussions in that respect. I will wait till the dust settles prior to dealing with Troy - I'm sure that will be a much more pleasant experience. In many respects I blame myself for not doing my research throughly prior to purchasing - I checked out the car properly but not the various warranties - Lesson learned. Keep spreading the word. Cheers James
In the EW thread, about a year ago, Troy ASKED us not to use his (or his dealership's) name as leverage---just to say you knew where you could get it cheaper (probably best to say "around $1000" rather than quoting $990, as the latter could be a giveaway if the dealer's heard it quoted before).
I was making the deal on my Prius, due for delivery 11/22/05, when I was whisked into the business managers office to review the deal. Since I was paying MSRP and with cash it should have been a slam dunk, however the bm presented me with a veritable buffet of ala cart ews. He had the ew's organized into packages, but did not present totals on any package. I could also make up my own package if I so desired. After a brief look at all the packages and their components I didn't feel they were worth the expense, so I told the bm I'd think it over. When I got home I started searching and found PC! All I can say is knowledge is power and with the knowledge I've gained here I will definitely be getting my ew from Troy. Thanks to all those that share their experiences here.
There is a difference between top secret and Privilaged information... Doesn't Google know everything?... put your personal home phone # in google and see what you get.... but I don't think you want everyone shouting it from the rooftops?.... DL #'s, SS#'s its all there, yet you try to keep it low profile as to not attract unwarranted attention?... And most of all.. as you may not have realized... the founder of the forum, who runs this without charge.... he asked us not to! Dealers already throw thier weight around enough.... do you only want them as a resource?.... if the answer is no.. then do what you can to protect your privilaged information!
BTW, James, you owe us a Starbuck's when we all meet up! (Unluckily for you, I'm a Ca-lee-fornian. ) You didn't think all this cheerful advice was free, didja?
Google only knows what you let it know when you run a website. If the webmaster wants the information hidden he can certainly exclude it by putting it in a separate directory and use a "robots.txt" file to exclude it from indexing. Google won't list it then. If selling the policy at a price lower than others is really a problem, then the webmaster should do that. But I suspect they like the added sales volume they get from such a high Google listing, and a robots.txt file won't be used. The "psst, don't tell anyone about this special deal!" is an effective sales tool. I've heard it from car sales people ... "just don't tell anyone we gave you THIS good a deal!" I'm not about to rain on anyone's parade, and I won't go running to my dealer with the news and URL to PC out of respect for the community here, but its mostly about marketing and selling something at a better price than you normally get. That's a good thing. Any dealer with any axe to grind only has to use the most popular tool on the Internet to find out about it, so its not a secret.
That's exactly why we are asked by Troy and Danny not to discuss it. If the dealer doesn't know about it, he's certainly not going to do a Google search to look for it. My bet is that he wouldn't think to Google it even if he knew about Troy's excellent offer.
Thats why I said its "privilaged"... anything that can be released on the site cannot be secret at the same time... Just try to make your decisions to share info based on the good of the whole... not just to make point about logistics or leqalities. I think its common knowledge to spread the word to those who can benifit... but not to those who would want to destroy it!... Why is this so hard for you?.... Try to get your attention off your feelings and back on the subject at hand. They just dont' want you to go to the car dealers and use this site as a barganing tool to get your price down while at the dealer! If you want to bargain and can't resist the selling pressure they submit, then buy thiers or bargain all you want.. just don't mention or use this site as a tool to do so.... or all you will do is save a few hundred bucks at the dealer "which you could have got cheaper here" and then you will ruin it for everyone else. You will be using the very tool that worked to your help as a walking matt to step all over and ruin for your future as well as everybody else's? I can just about bet the dealer will not give you cheaper.. so whats the big point to mention it at all?..... If you now understand my point, then I"m sorry I wasn't more clear in my prior explanations...... However if you still want to argue, then you cannot see anything outside your own world and need some time to grow up for a while so you can think about someone else's welfare besides your self and I feel sorry for your girlfriend or wife "if you have one"... if this doesn't apply to you... then please don't put on the shoes.. it wasn't mean't for you... but if the shoe fits.. then wear it!
Well said. When I bought my Prius I indicated to the dealer when he started down the EW path that I could get it at a lower price. He said that they understood and it was my decision. They didn't even want to try to come down. I can also undertsand why because the cost of the EW to the dealer is "fixed" and the dealer pockets the difference with the salesman and the finance guy getting their commission. My guess is the dealer pockets about 50% of the MSRP on the Toyota site and probably the salesman gets 25~30% of it.
I totttallly understand the skepticism of dealing with anyone the you don't know... dealer or not!....Its a cruel lesson to find the world is not out for our interest! But I also think its proper to "give honor to whom honor is due"....if someone earns with an awesome track record and has a history of being honest and dealing appropriately, then based on the praise of so many others... its unfair to start at scratch and reinvent the wheel and not give a certain amount trust to those that so many other people trust? I give then enough trust to give them a fighting chance to prove themselves.. but I still hold everyone and every gimmic at arms length until its proven to me personally... anyone who does differently has not been burnt enough times yet or is very dense!
Well, I'm sorry you felt the need to make this a personal issue, and resort to insinuations about my character, maturity and love life. I thought we were having a civil conversation and discussing an issue in a mature manner.
I don't really know the state of your person and I am addressing concepts both directions.... Thats why I put my disclaimer to please not put on the shoes if they are not yours... I apologize... I didn't mean it towards you... only for self centered people and I now assume your not... like you said, I don't know you.... I hard to live with anyone who only thinks about themselves... kinda the opposite of love... I assume since you value your character, you must not fit that nasty mold. Sorry I presented it so, and I hope I have the chance to meet you some day... I understand if your not thrilled likewise... B) Its very hard with the limited input of the forum to accurately assess someone on the other end..... Sorry if I misjudged your words.
Maybe I should open a new thread for this, but I wonder if anyone has gotten Toyota to cancel and refund their extended warranty after the stated 2 month deadline on the extended warranty contract? I'd still like to get back the $500 I was overcharged on my extended warranty, but I didn't find out that it could be refunded until after the first 2 months that I had the warranty. It's been almost 4 months now, only 2 months after the contractural deadline... Thanks. -Roger
Yea.. sorry for drifting off course... my guess is Toyota will try to be fair... the higher you go up the food chain, the better likelihood someone will make and executive decision on your behalf.... many times.. they are bound to rules that would get them fired otherwise if they broke them.
Look at the middle of the last page of the contract under "cancellation." The refund is prorated subject to the conditions noted, less a $25 cancellation fee. You need to do the math and see if it's worth it. They have a toll free # listed on page 3 where you might get some help. 800-228-8559. If you intend to buy the warranty from Troy, I'm sure he would be willing to help you work out the figures. Good luck.
Do I have this right? I have 3yrs/36k mi to get the EW. So if something happens in the meantime, is it covered under normal warranty, or would I need to purchase the EW to get it covered? Thanks!