In my 2009 Toyota Corolla I had a two displays for MPG. One showed what I'm currently getting at the speed I'm driving, the other had my average miles per gallon. My 2011 Prius 2 has that 1 minute display and a 5 minute display. Quite honestly I don't understand those so if someone wants to explain I'd appreciate it. I think it says the best I've gotten is like 30.1 mpg and hey, my Corolla did better then that so I don't think that's right. Is there a display I'm missing that shows your average miles per gallon? How do I get to it?
The Display changes each time you press the Display button. The Trip (A or B ) counter changes each time you press the Trip button. This is explained in the manual, it's probably a good idea to read it.
You may want to review the Owner's Manual section covering the instrument cluster and multi-function display.
The new User-Guide covers this topic... and I've been looking for feedback about it from a newbie. Check it out and feel free to provide suggestions. .
I think when we first had ours I was not seeing accumulated mileage. I had to scroll through the displays until it was showing trip (A or B), and then press-and-hold Trip until it reset. From then on it worked. Meant to say (A or B "closing bracket" in the above: learned a new emoticon.
OK, what I got out of the responses is read the guide, that explains it and some referrences to taking trips. It's OK, I did read the guide. I guess I find it hard to believe that my Corolla was less complicated in showing true miles per gallon then my Prius. Tomorrow while I'm getting my XM installed I'll grab the manual and give it a more intense look.
Your instantaneous MPG is opposite your fuel bars on the display with your speed. Your trip MPG is on the MFD at the bottom when you press the trip button on the steering wheel to display trip A or B. You hold it to reset them. You can view a graphical version for 1 or 5 minute intervals by pressing display until you reach the bargraph looking screen. I believe you hold display to switch between 1 and 5, I haven't done it in ages.
Heck, I don't know. I mean the car isn't 3 weeks old yet I kind of figured that they would properly inflate the tires when I got it.
The dealer will inflate your tires according to the Prius manual. Most of us on the board run our tires at significantly higher PSI's. Of course, taking care to not exceed the max pressure stated on the tire. 42/40 is pretty standard, I believe. When you check your pressures, I would guess that you'll see something around 32 PSI. Setting the tires at 42/40 will significantly help you achieve greater MPGs while not hurting the ride least not too much. I just bought my -soon to be high school grad- daughter a new CR-Z last weekend. We haven't checked the pressures yet because I can't get her to keep the car out of motion long enough to check them. I will be setting them higher to assist her in getting better mileage just like her ol' dad. ...and I already have her tracking her MPGs on Fuelly. The leaf doesn't fall far from the tree. lol
I get it now. Found the display and see how it works. Says I'm getting 47.4 mpg, which is great as far as I'm concerned.
... and you want someone else a thousand miles away to spoon feed you on how to use your car? I think that is what dealerships are for. Go ask them, read the manual and then come back if you still do not get it.
I got my car serviced twice by the dealer. both times they deflated the tires from 40 down to 35. this time I gave up inflating them back up. I still managed to get 72mpg on scangauge 2 for 10 miles after my enginer had ran out of juice, no pulse and glide. keep in mind that I'm running on 17" rims, stock pressure, 200lbs of dead weight, AC temp on low, fan speed on 2 bars. the only thing that helped the mileage was the warm weather and fully warmed engine. there's a special way of driving the prius to get high mileage besides pulse and glide. if you drive it like a regular car expect high 40s. if practice and get to know your prius better, high 50s and low 60s are easily achievable. you can get the trip mpg on HSI on the MFD. the instant mpg is on the right side of speedo.
cproaudio, I'm versed in "pulse & glide". Your comment above: "there's a special way of driving the prius to get high mileage besides pulse and glide" Can you shed some light on what that is ?
hmmm, 42 front 40 back. How often do you check the tires? I would imagine you probably would do it at least once a month. What you say makes sense in regards to mpg, but I have to admit I am not great at maintaing my tire pressure. I'm lucky to get to it 4 times a year. I think I'm better to keep it on the safe side. And I'll bet that when you take your car in for servicing they will adjust the pressure down every time unless you tell them not to. Still you'd probably want to double check. I will definitely go out and get a reading on them today. With warmer weather arriving soon that will probably cause the tires to inflate an additional 3-5 lbs. I might want to keep it around 37/37 and see if that changes anything. Just to be on the safe side. Does inflating the tires higher cause more wear and tear on the tires themselves?
I check mine about once a week, sometimes every other week. Read about the TPMS and how to set it. It will warn you it the tires are 7 or 8 lbs below where it is set. Higher pressures probably improve tire mileage although we don't have any data (yet) to back that up. 42 psi in your Prius should present no problems.