I saw pics of a Prius on Youtube that looked like it had lit wheels... [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtPGAr-DBCQ&NR=1"]YouTube - PRIUS NIGHT MEETING[/ame] ...... I must have!!! (please don't say it's ghetto! lol) Does anyone know how they did this? And I was also wondering, isn't it possible to do door handles that are lit, too? I've seen that before a time or two and thought it was cool! Thanks!
Yeah it's very cool but remember, to play hard you gotta spend hard. These are the Japanese, they're crazy and innovative and will always be one step ahead of you. Eventually you gotta learn to be happy with your car.
U trying to rain on my parade?? lol! I figured there is some kit type of thing to install to do this wheel thing, and I figure it'll probably cost, but I REALLY like it! And just think, since it would help make the Prius "lighter".....then it would improve gas mileage!! (boo, hiss, etc....I know, that was really bad!)
and I noticed that the Prius in the video that I'm referring to also has that piano black trim in the interior.... Another thing I've GOTTA have....
Not trying to rain on your parade and I don't even know if you're joking about doing these light mods. Just trying to be realistic. The piano black trim is a great touch. The lights look awesome, but are too flashy. Makes for a great show car and display, but it will not match your other mods/body kit, which you have judiciously chosen and I like. The lights make it look like a joke, like a toy. Your words tell me the mod bug has hit you hard. I'm just trying to pull you back down to earth.
yeah, looking for my bug poison....lol! It's been a minute since I've modded one of my previous rigs, so it's amazing how one thing turns into another, turns into another, turns into another! lol I wouldn't have the lights on the wheels going all the time, but it's just a neat thing to flip on, for example, as you're leaving the Wal-Mart parking lot! lol
Now, I loves me some disco!!!! lol! "Brick House" makes me wanna "Shake My Groove Thang!" ha I just like the wheels, not all that other stuff going on....... Where I live in the southeast, that is NOT ghetto in any stretch of the word! "Ghetto" is old police cars sitting way up high on 26" rims, with velvet interiors, a crown sitting on the dashboard.... you get the picture...
Seems to me somebody bought the wrong car, based on this and other posts. Perhaps a Honda with a large fart can muffler would be more appropriate.
Aren't you just full of jokes! lol! I'm just used to driving higher-end cars and sports cars (before I stopped working and began caring for my grandmother full-time), and this car was bought FOR me....so I've just gotta make it where I enjoy it, since I'll be driving it for a couple more years probably... I DON'T want it to look ghetto, but I didn't think the lit wheel option, and the LED door handles I've seen here and there were ghetto.... I just thought they looked like cool features, yet still tasteful and sorta high-tech-ish... I'm sure you could take it to the extreme and do the WHOLE car in flashing, neon lights like in the YouTube video, but that's not my ambition... So, I guess I should have kept searching for another example of the lit wheels to use since this video ALSO shows everything else on the car lit up, also... I'm just looking for a MILD glowing kind of effect behind the wheels (and no, I don't want neon lights installed under my car, too! lol). But, a muffler that can make farting noises? Hmmmm......I think you might be onto something there!
There's nothing tasteful about unnecessary lighted anything, including underbody lights. I think everybody (except those who have it) agrees underbody lights is ghetto. This is no different except it might be more disco than ghetto.
i've seen a lot of LED and neon bulb kits that you can piece together to make this... but it's simply that.. many pieces. probably cost a pretty penny too i think it's dead sexy. love the interior trim. (for all those that don't like it.. find another post to wreck) i've been thinking of adding LED strips to different parts of the car. I was inspired by my g/f's Mini with color changing LED's in the interior. i've love to see how he did the rims. i love the door sills too. i'm going to watch this a few more times....
i've figured it out.. these are LED's.. you'll see the bulbs when he pans back to the rear of the car. they sells these as kits that i've seen at places like kragens (o Rileys auto parts now) they are multiple LED strands with a remote. you can program multiple units to work off of a single remote or controller... maybe it takes a few modules and they simply link to the same channel.. but either way.. they are LED's.. the lens of the camera is simply blurring it so they look like neon tubes... not sure where he got the portable green laser projector though... i'll skip that part...
Does anyone know how the "lit up" Prius in the YouTube video got LED's inside the orange part on the side of both headlights? (The lights kinda make a < shape). I think that also looked cool. It appears that our cars only have one bulb inside that part right now. It looks like it's the only car in that line-up of Prii on the video with that feature going on. Any clues if that's an option somewhere, or if that's just SOMETHING ELSE they custom-added to their headlights themselves...?